swan family on river weaver in nantwich

These gorgeous pictures show Nantwich’s latest swan family are settling in nicely.

The family, nesting near the River Weaver, have been drawing plenty of attention after the three cygnets hatched in the last few days.

Hundreds of people who walk and cycle along the River Weaver footpaths have welcomed the latest addition to the town’s population.

These pictures were sent in by our reader Phil.

Many other photos of these graceful creatures have been added to the Nantwichnews Facebook group.

A second swan family is nesting close to the Shropshire Union Canal near Malbank Waters.

As native wild birds, swans enjoy statutory protection under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

It is an offence to intentionally injure, take or kill a wild swan.

The Act similarly protects the eggs and nests of swans.

It is an offence to take or possess the egg of a wild mute swan, or to damage or destroy the nest of a mute swan whilst in use or being built.

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