Dog Bin - clean up

Cheshire East Council has spent a great deal of money publicising the fact that to not clean up after your dog has emptied its bowels is illegal.

So why is it that owners of horses are excused from removing their horse droppings?

I have just walked the path along the River Weaver from where the railway crosses the path by the Airman’s Memorial up to the lake and had to take a diversion for two sets of horse dung.

Is this an example of horse owners showing scant regard for the rest of us?



  1. Jenny Hobson says:

    I understand that this is a footpath not a bridle way why are horse’s even using this route


    If you were educated on the matter you wouldn’t have been a fool to ask the question !

  3. Hopalong Cassidy says:

    Au contraire. This is a free source of fertilizer for the keen gardner or allotment holder so the riders are providing a useful service.

  4. Frank Bower says:

    You actually walked past without going home for a bucket and shovel, great fertiliser for the garden

    Dogs eat meat horses eat grasses, guess which one has to be picked up?

    • R. J. WHITE says:

      My origin letter did give the location of the two lots of droppings. if you care to contact me I’ll tell you where you can go and collect it.

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