dose flu vaccine, jab, pic by USACE

Dear Editor,

The Crewe Labour Party have criticised some of my tweets in my tremendously popular twitter account @CllrBSilvester, which has an amazing 55,000 followers.

I said that I would not take the COVID vaccine and would not recommend others to do so.

On the 14/10 Health Secretary Matt Hancock said ,”Our strategy is to suppress the virus, supporting the economy, education & the NHS until a vaccine makes us safe.”

This was another blatant, barefaced lie from Hancock.

None of the vaccine trials are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospitalisations, intensive care or deaths.

Nor are vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus.

The vaccine will NOT be the magic bullet to kill all COVID stone dead. At best it will only be 50% effective.

People who are waiting for a vaccine to ride in to save us will be waiting a long time.

So what can we do?

We should adopt the Great Barrington Declaration.

The *Great Barrington Declaration* is a proposal, written and signed at the American Institute for Economic Research in Great Barrington, Massachusetts on 4th October 2020, addressing the response to COVID.

It has been signed by 700,000+ concerned citizens, 13,000 medical & public health scientists and 39,000 medical practitioners across the world.

Boris says he is listening to the scientists.

He is not listening to THESE scientist.

This is what it says.

We can do what we should have done from the beginning in March. We should let the vulnerable isolate if they WANT to and we will support them.

The rest of us should be allowed to get on with our lives. The lockdowns are killing far more than the ‘virus’.

The lockdowns should be ended immediately. We have now had NINE MONTHS of lockdowns.

Enough is enough. It is time to end the lockdowns.

Also the World Health Organisation (WHO) has called for the end of lockdowns.

Dr. David Nabarro, the World Health Organization’s special envoy on COVID-19, urged world leaders to stop “using lockdowns as your primary control method” for blunting a virus surge.

“We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of
this virus,” he said.

World Health Organisation now says that continual lockdowns are not the answer to bringing Covid under control.

Despite all this evidence that lockdowns do far more harm than good, do far more harm than COVID, Boris is ploughing on and ramping up the lockdowns instead of scrapping them.

A change of course is long overdue.

Putting Crewe First wants to set the people of Crewe free in 2021.

The Labour and Tory parties are acting in lockstep, determined to have a never ending lockdown that destroys jobs and local businesses and will end up killing at least FOUR TIMES as many as COVID.

It is evil what the Labour and Tory Parties are doing in partnership together.

Voters in Crewe West can express their anger at this evil by voting for me in the by-elections in May 2021.

Yours faithfully,

Cllr Brian Silvester
Putting Crewe First


  1. George Beardsell says:

    Has he been drinking out of the same mug as Donald Trump?

  2. Chris Moorhouse says:

    He is a Parish Councillor for an area of approximately 830 people. Why give him the space to spout his objections to everything. He had staff at Leighton Hospital spending time to do a FoI request and I suspect he used the information that was best for him.
    Brian, I have said it before – retire gracefully as you will never win in Crewe wards.

  3. Eileen Churchman says:

    What a lot of tosh. And 55,000 twitter followers is hardly tremendously amazing. I hope most of them are following for a giggle, which they will surely have at this letter.

  4. Vote Libertarian says:

    Let people decide for themself what is best for them. If you are scare about the virus you should shield yourself, if not you should live normal live. End lockdowns immediately and restrain government control over people’s lives!

    Liberty for alll!

  5. When will this Councillor realise that it is not about politics and voting for him. The statistics of the virus don’t need any further explanation, the death rates across the world speak for itself.

    And look at what happens when lockdown is eased… people in London and the South now have it worse than ever with a new Tier 4 because too many people took advantage of the easing of lockdown earlier this month and have made the situation far far worse.

    Great timing Councillor to suggest the lockdown to end now when the daily figures are worse than ever. Its about time you woke up to REALITY!

    You will NOT be getting my vote – ever!

  6. The WHO advocates ending lockdowns only when a working Test & Trace system is in place to isolate infected people and contain the virus. This is impossible so long as the infection rates are at the levels they are currently at. In the UK that would simply not work at present until the infection rates are brought down to a fraction of the current levels.

    As for the rest of your diatribe, you are effectilvely condemning hundreds of thousands of people to a premature death. You are correct that it would enable those of us who would survicve the virus to get on with life, byut frankly the price is not one any civilised cuontry should be willing to pay.

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