Nantwich chartered accountants Afford Bond have appointed two new apprentices at their head office on Wellington Road.
Megan Bradley, 19, from Austerson and Emily Jackson, 21, from Poole, have started a tailored apprenticeship programme which includes one-to-one mentoring, on the job “real life” experience and professional qualifications at the end of formal college attendance.
Megan said: “We are both really pleased to secure places on a formal apprentice programme, especially during a pandemic.”
And Emily said: “We didn’t expect being interviewed during a pandemic would be easy but once we passed the initial phase online, we then had the opportunity to visit the offices, so that we could see where we would be based.
“Afford Bond made sure it was all Covid-safe, so we felt things were off to a good start.”
Emily (left) and Megan currently work within the accounts team, but will gain experience in different departments during their training.
Afford Bond Director Paul Edwards said: “Both Megan and Emily have settled in really well.
“Naturally, we have all had to adapt to changing working conditions recently.
“But both are thriving, and studying hard towards their first AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians) qualifications later this year.”
He said the appointments demonstrate a commitment to the future “enhancing Afford Bond’s wide range of services and expertise to clients”.
“Our work is all about establishing long-term relationships and professional integrity,” added Paul.
“These things are at the very heart of Afford Bond’s business.”