By Jonathan White
Fund-raisers amassed almost £1,500 for local causes at a popular “Holly Fair” in Wistaston.
Hundreds turned out for the annual fair at Wells Green Methodist Church on Brookland Avenue.
There was a raffle to win a hamper of fair traded goods and a competition to win several cuddly teddy bears.
Santa’ s Grotto proved to be very popular, ably assisted by lots of little elves.
Refreshments were excellent, soup, quiches, a variety of rolls, cakes, trifles and jellies.
Stalls included Traidcraft goods, toys, costume jewellery, a gold and silver colour stall, Christmas gifts and crafts, homemade cakes, books, and gifts from Kisii in Kenya (The Mango Tree School project is supported by Wells Green Church).
Myra Wood and Teresa Hoper coordinated the refreshments and Pat Nott organised the publicity and the stalls.
Pat said: “The Holly Fair is an excellent community event.
“Wells Green members are very generous with their giving and without their support, the fair wouldn’t take place. It’s a team effort and we very much enjoy working together.”
A total of £1,454 was raised on the day. A coffee morning is to be held on November 13 is set to boost funds further.
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