Nantwich Litter Group volunteers targeted two woodland grotspots in the town and collected nearly 40 bags of rubbish.

The team tackled woodland areas by the River Weaver footbridge off St Anne’s car park and Shrewbridge Road car park.

The attractive sites are popular with walkers and residents, but have been blighted by litter.

Volunteers collected mountains of fast food packaging, bottles, cans, discarded dog poo bags, sweet papers and more.

“Volunteers worked enthusiastically to transform these areas,” said a spokeswoman.

“To reinforce their efforts the Litter Group strongly urge people to use the litter and dog bins provided.

“Afterwards coffee, refreshments and a chat were welcome at Enzo cafe in Nantwich square!”

The next Group Pick will be at 10am on Wednesday May 29.

New volunteers are welcome and litter picking kit can be provided.

For details contact Team Leader Joyce Webb on 01270 626435 or email [email protected]

Volunteers at the ready

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