Council Tax hike - chief executive appointed

A Cheshire East councillor has branded the authority a “financial basket case” and wondered why Cheshire West and Chester Council would want to get involved in a devolution deal, writes Belinda Ryan.

Cllr Mike Sewart was speaking as the council was supposed to be discussing amendments to the terms of reference for the Cheshire and Warrington Joint Committee.

He told CEC’s full council: “I am truly amazed that Cheshire West and Chester Council have any interest in this devolution proposal whatsoever… because Cheshire East is a financial basket case cutting all sorts of services and in danger of Section 114.”

He added: “Because Warrington decided to invest in its own failed electricity distribution company, it’s also a financial basket case.

“Why, in heaven’s name, Cheshire West and Chester want anything to do with the other two in this devo trio is a mystery to me.”

The amendments for decision were to:

– Include oversight and strategic direction for potential devolution to Cheshire and Warrington
– Include the ability to approve expenditure regarding sub-regional government and other funding

CEC deputy leader Michael Gorman told the meeting: “This is not a debate about devolution.

“It simply gives us the authority to begin negotiations on sub-regional working… We do need to be in the room and round the table to represent Cheshire East interests.”

But the devolution debate continued, with many saying it was the first chance they’d had to air their views on it.

Arthur Moran - brexit did not impact on CEC result
Arthur Moran

Nantwich Cllr Arthur Moran (Ind), said: “The prospects of an elected mayor horrify me.

“I believe that it [devolution] will relegate this council to the second tier.

“It’s also important that any proposals on devolution are consulted properly with residents of Cheshire East, and when I say properly, not like some of the consultations that we’ve had over various things in the last few months.”

Former deputy leader Craig Browne (Alderley Edge, Ind), who voted against the recommendation, said: “I accept there is an argument that we should negotiate a deal before, before first putting it to the public.

“But this argument is undermined by the fact that we appear to have already consulted the business community, as this report makes clear.

“This might give the appearance of consulting those whom we believe can be relied upon to give the right answer.

“If we believe devolution is the right answer, we must take the public with us on this journey.”

Council leader Nick Mannion (Lab) said the item on the agenda which councillors were being asked to vote on was “about setting the framework to go into any conversations about devolution”.

He added: “Any decision about devolution that involves Cheshire East Council will be made here at the full council meeting, as it will be made at the full council meetings in Warrington and in Cheshire West and Cheshire.

“So there is no devolution by the back door. There is no done deal.

“Devolution does not involve the removal, reduction or compromising of any powers currently held by this local authority.”

The recommendation was narrowly passed by 33 votes to 32 with four councillors abstaining.


  1. Elected Mayor’s have proven their capability, Andy Burnham, Andy Street and their others. Cheshire East needs and elected Mayor capable of sacking incompetent directors, senior executives, and barring incompetent councillors from office. There are so many examples of strategic failure, 11million on a multi storey car park in Crewe, 11 million on HS2 without securing funding from central government. Excess purchase of mobile phones. These are just some of key failures, the Council appear to withhold information from the citizens of Cheshire East.
    I listened to Andy Burnham speak on BBC 1 this morning he talked sense, he has delivered for Manchester as Andy Street did for the West Midlands and Ben Houchen is doing in the North East.
    It is time Cheshire East woke up and smelt the coffee!!!!!
    Arthur Moran and other need to analyse what these Mayor’s have actually delivered for their respective communities.

  2. So Phillip how does smaller councils make things better or do you not realise we have parish councils that are supposed to do what you want

  3. Clearly doesn’t understand what devolution means.

  4. Another councillor unfit for office as they don’t understand the financial benefits of devolution

  5. This Council is far to big and needs breaking up into more manageable areas that provide residents with a Council that works for them.

  6. Chris Moorhouse says:

    69 Councillors voted. Where were the other 13? Would the vote have been different? We need to monitor what is going on otherwise it could happen without public scrutiny.

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