Jonty Evans missing - body found

The heartbroken mum of tragic Nantwich teenager Jonty Evans has made an emotional appeal to find out what happened to her son.

Jonty, 16, from Baddington, was found dead in the River Weaver on September 1st last year, almost 48 hours after going missing.

Despite five months of police inquiries, the family says the investigation into how Jonty died is no further forward.

An inquest into his death was opened at Warrington Coroner’s Court in January and adjourned for a full inquest hearing scheduled for July 1, 2025.

His mum Martina Cliffe and other family members still fear someone is responsible for Jonty’s death, despite no arrests or charges having been brought.

Martina says toxicology tests on Jonty only showed a small amount of alcohol in his blood, and that he was found in two-metre depth of the river and he could swim.

She posted on the family’s “Justice for Jonty” page: “He was in all day on the 30th August and he just wanted to go out with friends to the food festival.

“So at 4.30pm I dropped him off with his brother. I picked his brother up at 10.30pm, Jonty didn’t want to come in and stayed with his mate.

“Jonty and his mate walked up Welsh Row to go to his mate’s house, Jonty then decided to go back to town and said to his mate, to see his girlfriend.

“Something happened when Jonty passed that river.

“I rang him at 11.37pm and he said he was fine and would stay at friend’s house.

“The toxicology come back with nothing but very little alcohol, the water at the time was still, 14% in temperature and two meters in depth and my son could swim.

“I’m still trying to make out why these people have robbed my son’s life.

“He would always stick up for kids younger than him and would be the first to help anyone.

“You took a boy that was one of the good ones and still people that know will not help.

“For anyone that knows you are cowards, if this happened to you, would you want help. The world is never going to change.”
River Weaver weir footbridge - large Jonty banner - Sunday 8-9-24

Cheshire Police issued appeals in September last year to trace a number of people on CCTV who may have seen something.

But since then, the investigations team has declined to comment on the progress of the case.

Martina added: “I love and miss you Jonty, believe me my heart is broken.

“I’ve never felt anything like it and hope nobody ever does.

“To the females that were that night, if you have children of your own, I hope you never feel this pain you call yourself mothers, I couldn’t let that happen to anyone’s child.”

“To Jonty – I will always remember you and keep you name alive.”

Many friends and Nantwich residents have posted messages of support on the page.

We have approached Cheshire Police for an update on the investigation and are awaiting a reply.

Warrington Coroner’s Court opened an inquest on January 15 as the cause of death was classed as “unnatural”.

An internal coronial review date was set for March 16, with a full inquest date set for July 1.

tributes to Jonty Evans
Tributes to Jonty Evans on bridge near where he was found

One Comment

  1. This is truly a tragic case, one that shouldn’t have happened.

    No one should be shielded from the justice that this family truly deserve.

    If anyone knows anything regarding this incident (no matter what the content is) they should contact the appropriate authorities.

    This family is suffering every day and will be until this case is solved.

    If anyone is responsible for any unlawful action they are at liberty to
    do this again and it could happen again to someone else.

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