Buses are bypassing a Nantwich village because street parking means they can’t through, it has emerged.
Now residents and councillors in Willaston are calling for a clampdown on motorists who leave their cars double parked.
One resident returning from Nantwich to Willaston in the evening told how the bus driver said he could not risk going through the village because of problems on a previous journey.
The man, waiting for a knee surgery, was forced to get off and hobble in pain from Crewe Road to Moorfields.
“We never experienced these issues until the Meadow View development,” said the man’s family.
“Surely any further developments in the area will ensure the bus service will cease coming through the village.
“Elderly and people with mobility issues like my husband, will not be able to catch public transport.”
Cllr Brian Silvester (pictured), of Willaston and Rope Ward, is calling for urgent action.
He said other large vehicles like refuse trucks are also struggling to get in and out of the village.
He said: “This is happening far too often and it must be stopped.
“A constituent, who is awaiting a new knee, had to walk all the way from Crewe Road to the centre of the village because the bus could not get through.
“I am asking the police to take immediate action against the irresponsible parkers.
“I am also calling on the Cheshire East Council to speed up the parking survey for the village, which I have been pressing for for a long time. No further delay is acceptable.
“We need to seek realistic solutions to the ongoing parking problems in the village and then to implement them.
“It is not acceptable for the bus service to be curtailed in this way.”
Let’s face it, drivers don’t use buses so why should they care what problems they cause for local residents so long as they can park wherever it suits them. Willaston is not the only pace to suffer from bad parking. Try the centre of Nantwich and count all the vehicles parked on double yellows. Of course, with budget cuts, the Police are unlikely to have the resources to deal with parking problems.