The landlord of the new Nantwich pub The Sacred Orchard, has launched a recruitment drive for more than 30 staff.
The new Marston’s Inns pub restaurant is being built on the Alvaston business park roundabout, near Sainsbury’s, off the A500 bypass.
The outlet is due to open in just three months in February 2017, and landlord Paul Talbot is now keen to get his team in place.
“We are recruiting the team including the head chef, nine other chefs and about 35 front of house!” Paul said.
And with plans to serve up to 3,000 meals a week, from the brand’s Milestone Rotisserie menu, they are keen to get the right people on board quickly.
Paul and his wife Justine, who have two children, have been running pubs for the last 25 years.
And they are keen to make the Sacred Orchard an environmental winner with their customers.
“We plan to plant an English Orchard at the pub as we are very much into environmental stuff and won a European award a few years back.
“We only joined Marston’s a few months back because of the new pub as we live not too far away.
“We are are both very, very excited and privileged to have been given the chance to join the local community.
“We are not “big company people”. We are more community-focused and we see ourselves as adding value to local people and charities.”
And the environmental footprint includes plans for an electric car charger installed in the car park.
“We want to get involved as much as we can to help local issues,” added 50-year-old Paul.
“I plan to stay at the Sacred Orchard for at least the next 10 years or more – so I’m not a career-focused young manager.”
Adverts for the new head chef are now online, and can be viewed here.
Rather ironic name seeing as its built on a green field
Really looking forward to going .having lunch & charging the car .
The boss sounds like a top bloke with all the trees & stuff …. must know how to keep good beer after 25 years ….may have to sample a few of the real Ales .
Handy spot too as I drive past twice a day hahaha Lolololo