A series of online talks will be held by Nantwich Museum to support its new exhibition, “Ouch! A slightly horrible history of health and disease in Nantwich”.
The exhibition is currently running in the Millennium Gallery at the museum until Saturday October 23.
The online talks, which start in September, feature subject experts and have been selected to be of interest to a wide audience.
They begin with an action-packed talk on the role of apothecaries, followed by a talk on early medicine and surgery – with the speaker in full period attire!
Tales from Chester Asylum, the impact of cholera, local patent medicine manufacturing, John Gerard (Nantwich-born herbalist), and 17th century midwifery complete the full programme which is outlined below.
September 8. “Pills, potions and poisons: an apothecary’s tale” by Nicholas Wood, Fabio Parmeggiani and Helen Cooke. This talk explores the history of apothecaries, introduces 17th century Nantwich apothecary Raphe Walley and includes some exciting chemistry demonstrations!

September 15. “Renaissance and early modern medicine” by Nick Coles. This talk, given in period attire, explores changes in medical and surgical practice between 1500-1700.
September 22. “Tales from Chester Asylum” by Claire Chatterton. This considers the first hundred years of the asylum and looks at the lives of its staff and patients (some being from Nantwich) who lived and worked within its walls.
September 29. “When cholera hit Nantwich” by Keith Lawrence. This talk explores the causes of cholera, its impact on Nantwich residents including personal stories, the aftermath and steps taken to prevent future outbreaks of the disease.
October 6. “Made in the Old Medicine House: a century of patent medicine manufacture in an unlikely setting” by Valerie White. This looks at the medicinal remedies available to those who couldn’t afford a doctor.
October 13. “John Gerard, English herbalist” by Graham Dodd. This explores the work and impact of Nantwich-born John Gerard, an eminent Tudor surgeon, gardener and author.
October 20. “Having a baby in Nantwich during the mid- to late seventeenth century” by Sara Read and Janette Allotey.
Talks can be booked at the museum shop or online here.
The cost is £5 per talk with all proceeds supporting the work of the Museum.
Participants are invited to join the talks from 6.50pm for a 7pm start.
Full instructions for joining will be provided when booking.
Entry to the “Ouch!” exhibition, which includes a special section with activities for children, is free and can be seen at the museum, which has returned to its full opening hours, Tuesday – Saturday 10.30am – 4.30pm.
For further information contact: Nantwich Museum on [email protected] or telephone 01270 627104.
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