Cheshire East Council has a housing land supply figure of 7.5 years, the authority says.
The rise, from a figure of 7.2 years in the same period in the previous year, means more opportunity for people wanting to get on the housing ladder can access affordable housing or move into a new home.
The council also believes it puts them in a stronger position to prevent unplanned, uncoordinated schemes in the wrong place.
The increased figure of 7.5 years supply of housing land places the council above the five-year threshold, which all councils must demonstrate when contesting planning applications.
Under national planning policy, planning inspectors can approve controversial applications where a local planning authority cannot show it has a five-year housing land supply.
This has led to a number of unwanted developments around Nantwich and surrounding villages going ahead on appeal after being first refused by CEC.
Cllr Toni Fox, Cheshire East Council cabinet member for planning, said: “Having 7.5 years of housing land supply places the council in a strong and resilient position in relation to planning applications in Cheshire East – and reduces, still further, the risk of a planning free-for all.
“This latest assessment means we can properly meet the demand for new homes, including affordable housing, that people need.
“It also helps ensure a sustainable workforce for our thriving economy in Cheshire East and a sufficient margin to ensure we have greater control over our planning decisions in future.
“I’m encouraged many house builders are working positively with us and getting new homes built in a prompt and planned manner.
“We can now focus on ensuring that the remaining sites in our local plan are implemented as soon as possible and that the planning conditions are fully adhered to, in the interests of all our communities.”
As of March 31 2019, the council had a requirement to show that 11,802 new dwellings could be built in the next five years.
It is now able to show that 17,733 new homes can be built – the equivalent of a 7.5 years of supply.
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