Dear Editor,
There is a footpath between Shrewbridge Road and the railway station on Wellington Road.
It runs close to the railway, along Brookfield Park.
It has not been used for some time because it gets muddy in wet weather and is now overgrown.
However, it is really useful for rail travellers and people walking to Morrison’s and Aldi, to and from Shrewbridge Road.
Cheshire East Council have some money, paid by a developer for community works, to clear the path and pave it so it can be used in all weather and be of real benefit to local people.
All that is needed is the go ahead from Rail Track because it runs near the railway (although well separated by sturdy steel fencing) and a nod from the footpaths department of Cheshire East who have been working hard to open up the path.
If you want to see this path restored, write to Genni Butler at the Rights of Way section Cheshire East Council Municipal Buildings, Earle St, Crewe CW1 2BJ or email [email protected] and tell the council that you are keen to see the path paved and being used once more
William Riddell Graham
(Image courtesy of Google Maps)
This is an article from 2008 – but it was one of the paths talked about – but of course never completed before the development started in the 1990s. Since then they have improved the crossing leading from Mottram Drive to Hastings Road. The path Neil is suggesting certainly would be more direct and without vehicle traffic.
Don’t really understand Neil. Wher would the extension run? Not against the idea just don’t know where you mean
The path runs from the Shrewbridge Road level crossing to the level crossing near the station. The first bit, beside Brookfield Park, is very overgrown. The second bit, from the start of the allotments, is well used but muddy in wet weather. Please tell Cheshire East council you want the path restored. They have the money from a contribution from a developer!
that’s a good idea, was there a path before? I thought it was just fields
Reply to Tom Whatson
The path has been there for many years.It runs by the side of the railway.It has recently been strimmed and vegetation cut back by Network Rail, so the ‘old ‘ path, from Shrewbridge Crossing to the start of the allotment, is now visible on the ground. Hopefully,Cheshire East Council can arrange for the ‘community benefit money’ to be used to pave the path, so it can be used in all weathers
thanks for highlighting this
Thanks Phil. I assume that you have written to the Council. Great if you could mention it to others!
And extend the path beside the railway so that it connects the station with the path at the northern end of Clonners Field.