Pear Tree pupils in Shakespeare Children's Festival

Pupils from a Nantwich school went down a storm when they starred in their own version of Shakespeare’s  The Tempest.

Year 6 youngsters at Pear Tree Primary, Stapeley, were part of the Children’s Shakespeare Festival.

And along with four other schools from around the region, they performed brilliantly to a packed house at the New Vic Theatre in Stoke-on-Trent.

The 10 and 11 year olds created their own artwork, dance routines and acted out a scene they wrote based on Miranda, one of the key characters in the Shakespeare play.

Pear Tree School perform in Children's Shakespeare FestivalPear Tree was the only school in the Crewe and Nantwich area to take part, having been involved in the inter-school festival for the past three years.

It aims to create an excitement about Shakespeare at an early age by using educational drama for active learning.

This was one of a range of projects which are combining cross-curricular, classroom activity with performance by children in professional theatres.

Ruth Hadfield, Pear Tree Year 6 teacher and deputy head, said: “Violet class have been inspired by The Tempest to write their own scene based on the character Miranda, to create art work, a dance and to act out their scene.

“I am very proud of the commitment they have shown in preparation for the project.

“It’s been hard work and so worth all the effort. I hope the children will remember this day for a long time to come.”

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