Richmond Village Nantwich boss lifetime achievement award

The manager of Richmond Villages Nantwich has been honoured with Lifetime Achievement Award.

Lynne Griffin picked up the award presented by Housing With Care.

It was presented to Lynne at the awards ceremony on June 6, recognising her “outstanding dedication and contributions to the field of retirement living and care”.

Lynne has more than two decades of service in the industry and has been hailed for enhancing the lives of residents and creating a supportive and vibrant community.

She said: “It’s such a privilege to have won this award.

“Richmond Villages Nantwich has been a huge part of my life for over two decades and I’m delighted to have been recognised for the work I’m so proud of for our residents.”

Lynne started her career at Richmond Villages Nantwich in 1996 as deputy manager and was one of the named nurses within the service.

Lynne has successfully helped to raise in excess of £20,000 in donations with Wych-Malbank Rotary Club, which has been based at Richmond Village Nantwich for five years.

She has also been the driving force behind an additional £40,000 raised for charities including The Army Benevolent Fund, Stroke Survivors Charity, Saint Luke’s Hospice, British Heart Foundation and The Royal British Legion.

Lynne has been a mentor to staff members, inspiring a new generation of caregivers and leaders in the retirement living sector.

Housing with Care aims to promote excellence in retirement living and care services.

Their awards recognise individuals and organisations that demonstrate outstanding commitment, innovation, and leadership in the field of housing with care.

Lynne Griffin - lifetime award richmond villages

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