Rundown primary school buildings in Nantwich have been given a cash boost under new Government funding.
Cheshire East Council is receiving more than £10 million to improve school buildings and create new school places.
In all, £4.85 million will go towards creating new school places across the borough, while another £6.3 million has been earmarked for school repairs.
It’s part of a £4 billion injection of Government money into schools nationally to help deal with shortage of places and rundown classrooms in primary schools.
Crewe and Nantwich MP Edward Timpson (pictured) said: “Cheshire East Council will also be able to bid for extra funding from the new ‘Targeted Basic Need’ programme to open great new schools where more places are needed or to expand existing good and outstanding schools.
“This extra money for school buildings will be very welcome in Crewe and Nantwich.
“Too many of our schools are in a bad state of repair and many children face being left without a school to go to as a result of the places shortage left by the previous government.
“Despite difficult financial circumstances, it is great news that the Government has found extra funds to improve school buildings here in Crewe and Nantwich.
“The extra places this money will provide will help more parents find the right school for their child.”
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