RSPCA officers are investigating claims dog owners are encouraging animals to attack swans and cygnets at Nantwich Lake.
And they say they are “sickened” after receiving reports from a number of witnesses who say they have seen the attacks.
Lee Stewart, (pictured) manager of RSPCA Stapeley Grange in Nantwich, said: “We are aware of the problems.
“It is very sad to hear one or two dog owners are now encouraging their dogs to attack wildlife at Nantwich Boating Lake.
“Stapeley has in the past received injured waterfowl that have been attacked by dogs at the Lake, which have been fatal.
“We have put these attacks down to accidents, owners not acting responsibly and not putting their dogs on leads.
“But to now hear reports that owners are encouraging their dogs to chase down and attack innocent swans, geese and ducks around the lake is sickening.”
The RSPCA and Cheshire East Council are working on the design of new warning signs to go up around some of the Lakes in the East Cheshire.
Nantwich Boating Lake could be one of the first to unveil the signs.
It’s not the first time reports of problems with dogs have been made around River Weaver, Mill Island and Nantwich Lake.
In September last year, there were calls for the sign after a young cygnet was attacked and killed by a dog.
The cygnet’s death prompted an outcry among pet owners who claim there are too many “irresponsible” dog owners allowing pets off leads around the lake.
One called for a “lead only” policy, with those caught letting dogs off their leads punished or fined.
(pic courtesy of Jan Millar)
I would like to think that I am a responsible dog owner and also a responsible parent. I am very disturbed to hear that some dog owners are encouraging their dogs to chase the swans and ducks around the lake and the river. I do however walk my dog off the lead as I feel it is an open recreational space for all people to use. I call him back to me and put him on a lead if we are anywhere near ducklings or the signets, I keep him under control when there are very small children about who may be nervous around dogs. There have been the odd occasion where he has chased the seagulls and I have had to call him back. I do not think that name calling and a call for a blanket ban on dogs off the lead is a fair or well considered solution to this problem. Or should we just ban all people from this open space as some children throw stones in the river, some fishermen catch fish, some people drop litter and some people ride their bikes too fast? As a final point, all those people who feed the swans and encourage them to be too tame and stay near the paths are not helping these wild creatures at all.
Has another swan been attacked? Just seen the two parents and just one young swan. The other one was nowhere to be seen.
hopefully it was just in the water somewhere?
Chavs struggle to read, and even if they could they wouldn’t care. What is the point of putting a sign up?! Pathetic. DO something about it police… And walkers and responsible dog owners report EVERYTHING you see. The police may respond although I grant you it’s unlikely…. Although what p’s me off is is one of us did something to defend these swans the chavs would cry human rights and WE would get arrested. We live in a very very strange world which is dictated by the whims and needs for instant gratifications of people who are too ignorant to understand why they are in the wrong. Oh and before aspiring Julie Burchills, Polly Toynbees and Owen Jones start bleating, I know damn well it’s not all chavs doing this and yes all individuals concerned should be punished. However we all know that the track suited types and their badly trained dogs are the worst offenders. Many of them are well off: my gripe is behavioural not class based.
What a joke, I tackled a lady with a dog off a lead in the park chasing ducks. Her pathetic reply was ” he has never done that before” well right he is sure is now!! No dogs should ever be off a lead. Ducks, swans, small children about?!! Give them an ASBO.
The problem will never go away as long as people let their dogs off the leads. I know it seems like we are limiting the freedom of dogs but every year little ducklings and signets are either attacked or in danger with ‘near miss’ attempts while the owner is the other side of Mill Island leaving the dogs to run free.
I have seen dogs go into the water to get to the ducklings and the signets. When you shout over to the owners of the dogs, they look at you totally disinterested and carry on walking!! Very frustrating
There are two sides to every story, and unfortunately it would appear the minority of irresponsible dog owners are spoiling it for the genuine ones.
The areas around Mill Island are a great recreational area for dogs to play and have a swim in the river and weir. Dogs should not be restricted to staying on leads, it is up to their owners to control the dogs and behave in a responsible and courtesy manner.
Please act responsibly, do not encourage your dog to chase swans and ducks as you will risk spoiling it for everybody.
Almost every night i watch a person let her dog run at the duck and the ducklings and she watches our attempts to protects the birds and walks off indignant. I am ready to take a picture of her on Mill Island next time and report her! She couldn’t care less that the ducklings are sqwarking like mad!!
I have had enough of it, I see someone every night let their dog run down the river bank into the water chasing baby ducklings. Fortunately they just get away quick enough but what if one time they don’t and get killed? What would happen? Nothing.
It’s one thing just the once but every time they walk past, then its sick.
One word – scumbags!!!!!