Visitors to Nantwich Museum are invited to an Open Day where they can influence the form of the new “Treasures of Nantwich” display.
The new exhibition has been funded by a grant of £8,250 through the Art Fund, supported by The Headley Trust.
It will consolidate and update the existing ‘Nantwich Treasure’ display at the Pillory Street venue.
Visitors to the museum on Saturday (August 16) will be able to handle objects, find out more about how they were found and see the museum’s treasures up close.
They are also invited to take in their own treasures of Nantwich.
It is a chance to have a go at identifying objects, meet the detectorist who found the museum’s latest acquisition, a Tudor dress hook, and help to decide what the new display should look like and how these important finds should be interpreted.
The ‘Treasures of Nantwich’ project aims to integrate and make more coherent and appealing existing displays of the treasure.
The objects involved were discovered locally and shed light on the lives of people who once lived in the town and the surrounding area.
They include Roman coins and brooches, a Saxon pendant cross and pottery dating over a 600 year period.
The Wilbraham signet ring will be part of the display.
Particular attention is being paid to the needs of children so making a valuable contribution to the museum’s work with schools.
Contsact Nantwich Museum on [email protected], call 01270 627104, visit www.nantwichmuseum.org.uk
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