A new exhibition called “Nantwich Turnpikes 1744 – 1880” is underway in Nantwich Museum.
The exhibition is by Dr Keith Lawrence and runs at the Pillory Street venue until Saturday November 8.
With the aid of a variety of maps and illustrations, it tells the fascinating story of the local turnpike roads, a story which began with an Act of Parliament in 1555.
Visitors will learn of the routes, how they came about, how the roads were constructed and maintained, the variety and location of the tollgates and the rivalry between the towns and local landowners through which they passed.
Dr Lawrence has donated copies of his book The Turnpike Roads around Nantwich for sale in the museum shop in aid of museum funds.
It will be available in hard copy or DVD form.
Admission to the museum and exhibition is free.
Contact Nantwich Museum on [email protected], call 01270 627104 visit www.nantwichmuseum.org.uk
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