More than £9,700 has been raised for The Head Injury People (HIP) in Cheshire by masked partygoers!
A gala ball was held in Chester town hall in aid of the charity that supports survivors, families, friends and carers across the county.
The charity aims to reduce loneliness and isolation for people in Cheshire with brain injuries.
They also aim to improve the quality of life of families trying to cope in the aftermath of a head injury.
Clare Emerton, charity fundraiser and coordinator for HIP in Cheshire, said: “It was a wonderful night and we owe a huge thank you to everyone who came from across Cheshire and donated so generously.
“You can’t underestimate the difference the money will make to the members of HIP in Cheshire.
“It is crucial funding for our work. In many cases if we weren’t here for people with head injuries, the alternative is isolation, loneliness and depression.”
Nearly 2,500 people a year in Cheshire suffer a serious head injury which can change their life.
More than 140 people filled the 19th Century Town Hall for the Masquerade Ball, which was sponsored by Birchall Blackburn Law and Sugro UK.
Dianne Yates, partner of Birchall Blackburn Law, said: “We had such a fantastic night.
“The members of HIP in Cheshire are a wonderful and inspiring group of people coping with life changing disabilities.
“In many cases these changes are neurological and can’t be seen, which makes the work of HIP in Cheshire even more important to promote understanding and prevent social exclusion.”
Philip Jenkins, Sugro UK managing director, added: “It was great to see the community and companies come together to raise funds and celebrate the achievements of the members of HIP in Cheshire.
“They are an extraordinary group of people building new lives after a devastating accident or illness and HIP in Cheshire is a lifeline for them.”
Visit www.hipincheshire.org.uk or call Clare Emerton on 07900 158 166 for more details.
(Pic: Dianne Yates, Mr and Mrs Philip Jenkins, HIP in Cheshire Trustees Dr Crawford Thomas, Beth Fisher, Anne Mansfield, Helen Bichard and Deirdre Healey)
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