Town councillors in Nantwich have launched a new campaign called “Dabbers Don’t Drop” to highlight growing problems of litter, dog fouling and fly-tipping.
Officials say there has been an “unacceptable” increase in littering around the town centre, parks, and along the town’s canal and river.
Its new ‘Dabbers Don’t Drop’ campaign will begin this Friday May 28 in line with “The Great British Spring Clean” organised by Keep Britain Tidy.
Posters and banners will be displayed around the town, supported by posts on social media, as a reminder to residents not to drop litter.
A spokeswoman for Nantwich Town Council said: “We are keen to emphasise that tackling litter is not just about one campaign though, it is about sustained action to tackle litter and change behaviour over time.
“Therefore, the council is also encouraging schools to join the campaign by educating young people about the impact of litter dropping on our town and environment.
“The council is working on a number of initiatives to help combat litter issues and will continue to work closely with and support the voluntary litter groups in the town.
“We live in a beautiful town. It is for all of us to keep Nantwich clean and green!”
If you can spare time and help litter picking groups, visit Nantwich Litter Action on Facebook, to find out more about the work they do.
And for those already collecting do not forget to log your efforts at www.gbspringclean.org

Indeed, the volunteers are amazing as the town used to look dreadful all the time. It is worse now because of all of the coffee cups, which blow everywhere. McDonald’s has a litter picking crew, why don’t all these coffee shops and takeaways offer the same? Seem to be more interested in profits. Given that Cheshire East is in charge of the overflowing bins, does it not ring any bells when some clearly need emptying daily in order to provide a better service, after all the charges we are paying for are eye watering.
Why so many coffee cups disgarded?
When you see the bins overflowing something is clearly not working.
If each coffee house actually provided their bin away from the premises not just outside, it would help the overflow, as their community responsibility does not end at the till.
Someone has to take a stand, far too many lazy folk
Can’t see that ever happening! Retail and hospitality staff have all had their hours cut to the minimum as it is – they’re not going to have to to go out and clear the bins too.
Compared with other towns over the border, Nantwich is looking amazing, well done to all the volunteers, you do us proud, you help tourism thrive, and most of all keep our shops open and not boarded up as we are such a pleasant place to be in.