Hundreds of villagers turned out in force to enjoy Wistaston’s annual Duck Race and Children’s model boat race, writes Jonathan White.
The 26th ‘Annual Community Duck Race and Children’s Model Boat Race’ took place at the Joey the Swan parkland area, and organised by volunteers from Wistaston Community Council village events team and Wistaston Memorial Hall.
The event was officially opened by Wistaston Rose Queen Sophie Davies, a Year 8 pupil at St Thomas More High School.
Sophie also helped to judge the best designed children’s model boat competition and led the countdowns to the start of the Children’s model boat race and Duck Race.
She also setup and staffed a stall in aid of her chosen charity Motherwell, a service provided for women by women, promoting positive health & wellbeing, by offering a range of services, holistic therapies and mental health support.
Sophie said: “I am honoured to be Rose Queen. I hope that everyone enjoys my fundraising over the year and I hope to raise lots of money for Motherwell.”
In total, 47 model boats were entered into the Children’s model boat race and 500 plastic duck race tickets (£2 each) were sold and entered into the Duck Race.
There were numerous stalls featuring local charities and organisations, selling goods or advertising activities.
Refreshments were available from Wistaston Scout Group. First-aid support was provided by St John Ambulance.
Volunteers helped before and on the day including preparing the parkland area, setting up gazebos, selling duck race tickets, registering children’s model boats, staffing stalls, marshalling the races and clearing up the parkland.
A number of sponsors provided support including Plumb Stone Surveyors, Total Tools, and Clive Reid.
The 2023 results in full:
a) Best designed children’s model boat:
1st – ‘Joey’ the swan by Zac, aged 6, from Wistaston and a pupil at The Berkeley Primary School who won £10. Joey took four hours to make and was constructed mainly of foam and carboard. (NB. The Joey the swan parkland area in Wistaston is named after an adult male cob swan that lived there in the 1930s. The parkland area was generously donated to the people of Wistaston by the Fathers of the Oblate Mission).
2nd place – ‘Barbie’ by Lily and Harper won £8.
3rd place – ‘Squid boat’ by Rowan won £6.

b) Children’s model boat race:
1st – ‘Splendid Sailing’ by Carrie who won £10.
2nd place – ‘Super-Fast Boat’ by Tobias who won £8.
3rd place – ‘Milky Way’ by Joel who won £6.
Duck Race (500 tickets sold):
1st – No.24 – Mr Banks who won £100.
2nd – No.3 – Denise who won £50.
3rd – No.370 – Olivia who won £25.
There was commentary on both races by Helen Gould with ongoing excitement and incident around every bend as ducks and boats bobbed and weaved along Wistaston Brook.
Nadiah Mckeown, chair of Wistaston Community Council, said: “It was a fantastic event and a great turn out despite the heat.
“A great effort from everyone who made boats for the race, some fantastic entries this year.
“We are all looking forward to our next event, the fireworks in November. Thank you to everyone who attended.”
Proceeds from the event will go to the funds of Wistaston Community Council, Wistaston Memorial Hall, and several local charities.
The Wistaston Community events team always welcomes new members to help organise our Wistaston village events including the Village Fete (June), Flower and Produce Show (August), Fireworks Display (The Brittles, Saturday 4th November 2023) and the Christmas Concert (St Mary’s Church Hall, Friday 8th December 2023).
For further information visit http://www.wistastoncommunity.co.uk/

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