showcase - school transport - brine leas school - creative commons licence by jaggery

Brine Leas School in Nantwich has appointed a new headteacher following the death of previous head David Cole.

The Audlem Road school has announced that Paul Whitehead has been appointed as the new headteacher.

Mr Whitehead was the deputy headteacher at the school.

David Cole died suddenly at home in Willaston in April, aged just 52.

Rachel Bolton, chair of governors at Brine Leas, wrote to parents, saying: “Mr Paul Whitehead (currently Deputy Headteacher) has been appointed as Headteacher of Brine Leas School.

“We are aware that no one wanted it to be under these circumstances, but we are sure you will join us in congratulating Mr Whitehead on this appointment.

“He is a highly experienced and skilful school leader, knows our school inside and out and we are sure you will give him all the support he needs to take Brine Leas into our next phase.”

Mr Cole’s death led to the closure of the school for one day, and sparked many tributes as he had been at the school for over 20 years.

tribute to David Cole, former head of Brine Leas School
David Cole

Two books of condolence were also opened at the school for people to write their own tributes.

His funeral was held at a packed St Mary’s Church in Nantwich 10 days ago.

Richard Middlebrook, of The Cornovii Trust, added: “On behalf of everyone at the school, the trust and in particular Dave’s family, we would like to thank you for all your support over recent weeks and for the large numbers of you who attended Dave Cole’s funeral at St Mary’s in Nantwich over half term.

“It was a fitting tribute to a wonderful, kind man and loving husband and father.”

Donations can be made to chosen charities the British Heart Foundation and the Tank Museum, Bovington, via AW Burrows & Son, Independent Funeral Directors.

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