Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Nantwich Players

Get ready for Halloween this week with Nantwich Players, who present Jeffrey Hatcher’s adaptation of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde.

Directed by Chris Finney, this psychological thriller is different from anything else I have ever seen produced by The Players.

This production is full of Victorian horror exploring the theme of good verses evil.

We meet Dr Henry Jekyll who has been experimenting to find a way to isolate the darker side of mans nature.

The plan goes wrong, and we meet Mr Hyde, or in this version, several different Hyde’s played by other cast members.

The black set adds to the atmosphere but also heightened the clever lighting and sound design.

The few props used were effective, and the blood red door helped to transform us to different scenes and locations.

The cast were superb. Chris Pepper gave an excellent performance as the tortured Dr Jekyll, desperately trying to come to terms with what he has done.

Caroline Buckley played a strong and loyal Elizabeth.

The rest of the cast; Andy Leach, Simon Porter, Ali Somers and Vanessa Carter all played multiple roles including Hyde, emphasising the different personalities and mental states.

This was made all the more haunting by the cast moving in close around Jekyll and the costume design of matching cloaks and hats.

Dramatic, chilling and dark. Theatre at its finest. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is running at The Players Theatre until Saturday 26th October.

(Review by Claire Faulkner)

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