A few years ago, more than I care to admit, I studied the Arthur Miller play “Death of a Salesman” at the old Dane Bank College in Crewe as part of my English A Level.
It was a set exam text, and I remember many hours were spent in the classroom discussing and dissecting Miller’s writing.
Sometimes we were even encouraged by one particular lecturer to act out parts of the text to gain a better understanding of the characters and motives.
This week, all these years later, I found myself at the Crewe Lyceum to watch the American classic once again.
And I wondered if the play would have the same impact on me now, as it did back then.
We follow the story of Willy Loman.
A travelling salesman whose life, after years of dedication and hard work and chasing the ‘American Dream, is slowly falling apart.
The financial impact on his family and the pressures he faces lead him to construct and believe a different reality, where success and riches are just out of reach.
Add in family tensions and possible signs of dementia or bipolar, and there is a tragedy waiting to happen.
Directed by Andy Arnold, the cast were incredible.
David Hayman gave a strong performance as Willy Loman, portraying his decline full of emotion and anguish.
Beth Marshall was compelling as Linda Loman, desperately trying to keep her family together.
Some of the best scenes were between brothers Biff played by Daniel Cahill and Happy, played by Michael Wallace.
Cahill in particular, gave an outstanding performance fighting to speak Biff’s truth.
The set, although at first glance appeared sparse, worked well to reflect the family fortunes.
Dressed only with some chairs, windows, fire escapes and a fence, the stage easily turns from home to office to restaurant.
The image of two trees served as a backdrop reminding us of happier times.
A stunning production.
Watching it again with an older set of eyes this time, perhaps gave me a different perspective, but the play is still as equally impactful as when I was a teenager.
(Review written by Claire Faulkner)
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