mark peel - wistaston runner and parkrun director

Running has proved a life-saver for a Wistaston man who once contemplated suicide while in the depths of despair.

Mark Peel, 53, is a Run Director with Parkrun in Queen’s Park, a Saturday morning event when runners of all abilities meet to take in the joy of exercising as a group surrounded by lush greenery.

He’s a now a marathon runner who raises money for the mental health charity Campaign Against Living Miserably and is currently training for the Manchester Marathon in April.

He’s a member of Nantwich Running Club and to date has raised thousands for the charity by taking part in a London Half Marathon and a 24 hour sponsored run round Crewe and Nantwich.

All this is far cry from the Mark of summer 2023 when he was on the brink of suicide.

Mark told how being part of Parkrun Crewe put him on the road to recovery.

“I first got diagnosed with depression in 2006 and learned to live and work with it most of the time, he said.

“In August 2023 however I hit an all-time low. I just felt empty, was so tired and everything was a struggle.

“Then one day I went missing and police were informed as my wife was desperately worried what I might do.

“I left my phone at home and went walking around with a rope I had bought from B&Q trying to find a quiet place to hang myself.

“The police had put trackers on my credit cards and I was found the next day and taken to hospital.

“My medication was changed and after a long period I was able to go back to work.

“Going missing was the turning point, and although some days are more difficult than others, I’m now back at work and feeling a lot better in myself.”

When Mark began running on odd days he couldn’t go very far. He’s now an inspiration for anyone looking to run for mental health.

“For the last 25 years I have been a Project Manager for Consulting companies implementing software solutions for them around the world which has meant I have been to many amazing places, but mainly seeing the hotel, office and airport.

“I have also been away from family and friends a lot. I would put on a mask as if everything was OK.

“Following my hospitalisation I took up running bit by bit. My first few Parkruns I couldn’t go very far and walked the hills but my times gradually got quicker.

“I soon got the bug and felt the benefit of being among a group of people exercising together in nature.

“I have been open about what I went through to encourage others. If you are feeling like I did, try it. Parkrun can be a life-saver.”

Mark Peel and partner - running man

As a Run Director, Mark has responsibility for the smooth and safe running of events.

And Queen’s Parkrun is hugely popular – a record 550 people took part in the Christmas Day event.

Many regular participants have gone from ‘couch to 5k’ gaining friendship along the way.

“It’s great to see people joining in, some walk and chat, some run and natter and some try to get a personal best every week,” he adds.

“It doesn’t matter how you join in as long as you turn up.”

Parkrun Crewe has regular events for adults and children. For times see the Facebook page.

Running man Mark Peel from Wistaston

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