A housing developer has unveiled plans to build hundreds of homes, business units, a community centre and parks on land in Stapeley, Nantwich.
Muller and Jones Homes is now calling on residents to air their views on the plans for ‘Nantwich South’.
Leaflets have been posted through doors as part of a public consultation exercise.
It shows maps of the proposed development, which is south and west of the Stapeley Water Gardens/Palms Oasis site.
The map shows residential areas, allotments, a park, ponds, a local employment site and what it calls ‘Stapeley Court Local Centre’.
People can also attend two exhibitions being staged in the town, where members of the project team can be quizzed over the proposals.
These are being held in Nantwich Methodist Church, Hospital Street, on February 10 10.30am-7.30pm, and at Pear Tree Primary School on Pear Tree Field, Stapeley, on Saturday February 11, 10.30am-4.30pm.
The leaflet states there is a demand for around 240 new homes every year in Nantwich to meet demand.
It says the development would “support a healthy, vibrant future for Nantwich”.
A website detailing the plans and giving residents a chance to share their views will be launched on February 8, at www.nantwichsouth.com
Members of the public will have until February 22 to post in their views, using a feedback form on the leaflet, or until February 26 to post views on the website.
The above website has been set up in opposition of the plan above in the face of growing local opposition to the proposed plans.