A Nantwich primary school has been told it must improve after a visit by Ofsted inspectors.
Wyche Primary, on Manor Road, has received an overall rating of 3 in its latest inspection, which means it “Requires Improvement”.
In the report published on February 13, Ofsted criticises the standards of Maths, and says “teaching is not consistently good”.
“Weaknesses in teaching over time have led to pockets of slower than expected progress and some underachievement,” says the report.
However it does praise the “excellent provision for children in nursery and reception classes” and that teaching quality “has improved and is continuing to do so” since the previous visit.
Other areas in which the school is rated as “Good” include pupil behaviour, stronger leadership and management, and rapid progress in other subjects such as English.
The inspection team viewed 19 classes during the two-day visit, but only had the views of seven parents to take into account from an online questionnaire made available.
They believe progress is being made by pupils in Years 3 to 6, and blamed an unsettled teaching team in the past for some of the problems.
“There is a more settled picture now and attainment, overall, is in line with national expectations,” adds the report.
“Teachers generally plan well and use interesting methods and resources to encourage pupils’ enthusiasm.
“This is not always the case, however, and sometimes the lesson is dull because resources are not planned well enough, resulting in too much teacher talk and not enough,” it continues.
Inspectors praised other elements of the school such as the eco-club, a “friendship stop” at playtime, and the leadership team for making changes.
The 177-pupil school, which was previously inspected in May 2010, will receive another visit in two years.
I also see nothing there about how they deal with bullying…To quote the headteacher when I reported my son being bullied and they knew about it
“You son is autistic so some level of bullying is expected he will have to learn how to cope with it”
My partner and I could not believe our ears when she spouted that and we never went to another meeting at that school without other official people with us.
Unfortunately I had already moved my son from this excuse of a school so missed the questionnaire, no mention in your report on what was said about their special needs teaching, which so utterly failed him.
He attended for over a year and moving him was the best decision we ever made as he is doing far better and is happy to go to his new school and is improving which is fantastic after he fell behind at the Wyche and was miserable there despite meetings that included outside officials.