Nantwich Museum bosses are appealing for items to help form part of the “Nantwich Eats: 100 years of Food Shopping” exhibition.
The summer exhibition will look at the ways in which Nantwich residents have obtained their food over the last century.
It will encompass the rigours of war, food rationing, changes in takeaway habits, the emergence of the cafe culture and today’s trend back to artisan food.
It will be designed to be illustrated, interactive and include a range of events painting the picture of food shopping in the town during the last 100 years.
Memorabilia, especially those associated with the town, are sought such as documents, old food packaging, clothing and more.
Museum staff are also interested to hear the recollections of those with experience of food shopping in Nantwich perhaps having worked in one of the shops, as a customer or recalling a special food event of the time.
Call in to Nantwich Museum on Pillory Street, email [email protected] or call 01270 627104.
Austin’s Yesteryear Grocers Shoppe – http://www.atwelch.co.uk/grocer-shop.htm – has a wide selection of items.