A primary school in Nantwich has been placed in “special measures” by Ofsted.
Wyche Primary School and Nursery, on Manor Road, was visited in June and the report has just been published.
And it was graded as “inadequate” in most key areas such as achievement of pupils, quality of teaching, behaviour and safety of children, and leadership and management.
The report highlights the low standard of reading, writing and mathematics, particularly among boys.
It also raises concerns over the number of persistently absent pupils, and says some pupils fear for their safety because of bullying and rough play.
The report also criticises the governors for failing to stabilise teaching team and in challenging pupil achievement.
Wyche headteacher Wei Ling Lee said staff and governors “fully concur” with the view of inspectors that standards overall are “not yet good enough”.
In a statement, Miss Lee said: “We are now judged to be in need of ‘Special Measures’.
“Clearly, this is not the category that either the school’s leadership or staff wish to be placed in.
“Despite the negative feel of the overall report, the inspection team have commented positively on important aspects of school.
“Both Ofsted and the local authority have strongly recommended that both leadership and the governing body stay as it’s recognised there has not been enough time to put into place all that has been planned.”
Under Special Measures, the school will receive visits every term by Ofsted teams.
These will evaluate the school’s progress against key issues identified in the report.
Inspectors will monitor activities, including lesson observations, analyse children’s work, examine school records and documentation, and talk to staff, pupils and governors.
A progress report will be filed which will be published on the Ofsted website.
It also means the Department for Education will try to find a sponsor Academy to support Wyche School’s development.
“We have been working closely with Cheshire East local authority, which is providing practical support,” added Miss Lee.
“Much work has already been undertaken, including a comprehensive action plan and a new curriculum being drawn up with heavy emphasis on securing reading, writing, maths, grammar and spellings.”
The school and local authority has written and agreed a detailed post-Ofsted statement of action.
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