Leighton Hospital chiefs are restricting visitors as they battle an outbreak of the winter Norovirus bug.
Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (MCHFT) said restrictions are now in place on all adult wards at Leighton Hospital.
They have seen a sharp rise in the number of Norovirus cases over the last few days.
The virus is easily spread and has led to cases now being present at Leighton Hospital.
To help prevent the spread of the diarrhoea and vomiting virus, the Trust is applying temporary visiting restrictions on all adult wards to reduce the number of visitors, with only essential evening visiting being permitted.
Julie Smith, director of Nursing and Quality at MCHFT, said: “While some of our wards are currently affected by a viral illness thought to be Norovirus, we are asking the public to not visit any of our adult wards at the moment unless essential, in order to allow for the effective management of the infection.
“We also request that if relatives themselves have felt unwell with diarrhoea, nausea or vomiting (feeling or being sick) over the past 48 hours that they do not visit, as our patients may be more vulnerable to picking up bugs.”
The Trust has hygiene measures and a strict cleaning schedule in place.
Visitors are asked to remember to wash their hands when coming onto or leaving a ward area, and to use the hand gels provided at the entrance and exit to all patient areas.
Julie added: “The comfort and care of our patients remains our top priority, and we are doing everything possible to limit the spread of Norovirus and other infections.
“Rather than risk passing on infections by visiting in person, we would suggest phoning the ward to check on relatives.
“We are happy for patients to make and receive calls on their mobile telephones in day rooms, and staff can facilitate a bedside telephone call for those whose mobility is limited.”
It would help if the hand gels were replenished when empty! Have been a regular visitor over the past week and last night there were none producing any gel for 2 wards or as you walked into the hospital!