Housing tenants in Nantwich are being warned about bogus roofers after an incident in the town.
Wulvern Housing Group says two men called on a resident in Nantwich posing as Wulvern employees.
The men, both white and in their 20s, told the resident they had come to carry out roofing work.
They then asked the customer for money to carry out the work.
They both had a local accent – one wore a knitted hat and grey cardigan, the other was of a stocky build and wearing an orange high visibility coat.
Wulvern says Cheshire Police has been informed.
In a statement on their Facebook page, a spokesperson for Wulvern said: “Remember, when we call we always wear photo ID.
“And we will never ask for money on your doorstop to carry out repair work.
“If in doubt – keep them out and call us to check.
“If you have also been targeted or have any information please let Wulvern and Cheshire Police know.”
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