anti slavery team at nantwich town council

Nantwich Town Council is helping to raise awareness of modern day slavery and the exploitation of vulnerable people.

The council has teamed up with South Cheshire Chamber of Commerce and Libre Solutions Ltd (not for profit company) as part of the initiative.

Slavery is the fastest growing organised-crime in the world, hidden in plain sight, and many are unaware it exists in communities and businesses.

Mayor of Nantwich Town Council, Cllr David Marren said: “Figures released by the National Crime Agency in 2017 stated that 116 different nationalities were victims of modern slavery here in the UK.

“And whilst no exact number is known the estimated figure of modern slavery and labour abuse victims in the UK runs into hundreds of thousands.

“I am appalled that in 2017 slavery abuse was reported in every county in the UK, including Cheshire.”

An awareness event will take place on November 19 at Nantwich Civic Hall starting at 12.30pm.

It is a free of charge event and speakers will explain how to recognise signs and if it is found, how to deal with it, both for residents and local businesses.

Jacqui Morris, International Trade Manager at South Cheshire Chamber, said: “Modern slavery is often associated with supply chain businesses based abroad, but we have seen an increase in our country too.

“The Chamber wants to help raise the awareness and protect our local businesses from this criminal activity, including their supply chain.”

At the event, residents and business will receive a presentation from Chamber members Libre Solutions, who specialise in helping businesses identify and tackle modern slavery that could be affecting their companies.

To register for the event contact Jacqui Morris on 01270 445406, 07867 785252 or email

One Comment

  1. If you think slavery is a thing of the past, visit:
    You’ll be shocked to learn how many slaves make your goods!

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