Visiting hours at Leighton Hospital have been restricted as health bosses respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust says it has followed national guidance in putting temporary restrictions in place for patient visitors.
From yesterday (March 18), visiting arrangements are:
– Visitors must be immediate family members or carers.
– Visitors should also not visit hospital sites, including inpatient, diagnostic and outpatient areas, if they are unwell, especially if they have a high temperature or a new, persistent cough, vulnerable as a result of their medication, a chronic illness or they are over 70 years of age.
– Visitors should be limited to one per patient unless the patient is receiving end-of-life care
– If a visitor needs to be accompanied – accompanying visitors should not stay in patient, ward or communal areas, and this applies to inpatient and outpatient settings
– Women in labour are permitted to have one partner/birthing partner
– No children under 12 should be visiting without the ward sister or charge nurse’s prior permission.
A spokesperson said: “We will be restricting visiting to one hour per day between 4pm and 5pm for all wards with the exception of patients receiving end of life care.
“We ask that visitors discuss and agree visiting arrangements with the nurse in charge.
“Visiting will not take place at all on Wards 3, 5 or 7.
“We ask for the help of the public in respecting these rules which we will keep under review.
“You should not visit the hospital if you have flu-like symptoms, cough, fever or cold.
“Those who do visit are asked to ensure you have washed your hands before entering the hospital, as you move within it and when you leave.
“You are also reminded to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze.”
I can understand a lot of the above but trying to get everyone visiting in an one hour slot with the small car parking area will be rather fun.
Thank you for the new visiting arrangements