More road closures are planned in Nantwich town centre to enable shoppers and pedestrians to “socially distance” in safety.
Now we can reveal the whole one-way stretches of Pillory Street and Hospital Street will close to traffic from June 15.
Pall Mall and Love Lane, both off Pillory Street, will also close.
And the Church Lane car park opposite Costa Coffee will also by temporarily closed off.
Cheshire East Council announced yesterday plans for “emergency measures” in 16 towns to ensure people can socially distance more safely.
It comes as the nation’s non-essential shops and outlets are set to re-open again from June 15 under the Government’s easing of the pandemic lockdown restrictions.
Other measures across Nantwich and towns like Crewe, Audlem, Sandbach and Middlewich include more social distancing signage, more pedestrian and cycle access, temporary closure of some car parks, and temporary suspension of parking spaces and laybys.
The council says measures will be under continual review and may be further tailored to meet local circumstances.
There is no timescale given for the temporary closures.
The news has led to mixed reaction on social media, with many questioning the logic and the impact on delivery drivers, emergency vehicles and others who need access.
Others have welcomed the move as the town centre streets are set to get busier once again.
Cllr Laura Crane, Cheshire East cabinet member for highways, said: “Our priority here is to protect people and our local businesses.
“Alongside any measures, we will be supporting businesses with additional information and guidance, while encouraging high street users to adhere to the government’s social distancing restrictions.
“The government is providing funding to local authorities and has issued guidance on how we can help people maintain safe social distancing in busy public areas, which we are following.
“Some of our measures support walking and cycling in our town centres – which many people have enjoyed much more of during the lockdown – and this also is good for our environment and people’s health and wellbeing.
“Further temporary and experimental measures are being considered to support walking and cycling and will be implemented once we have put in the arrangements for our high streets.
“Each of the 16 high streets identified in Cheshire East has been considered individually and measures tailored to local circumstances.
“Local ward members and town and parish councils have been asked for input into the plans and, where this has been received, we have taken close account of these suggestions.
“While these temporary arrangements may disrupt the travel patterns of some residents and visitors, they are necessary to protect everyone, especially those who will be using the shops when the government allows them to open – which at this point is intended to be 15 June.
“We are being careful to implement the government’s measures alongside avoiding unnecessary disruption.
“The works completed by 15 June are an important first step and these measures will be closely monitored and adjusted as necessary.”
Essential access for servicing businesses and residential properties will be maintained throughout the closures.
(Image courtesy of Cheshire East Council)
It would appear that the map is incorrect! Hospital Street extends from Pillory Street up to Churche’s Mansion! Most of the pedestrians who use Hospital Street will welcome the arrangements which will ensure that we do not have to travel into town through heavily-polluted air. Presumably, traffic intending to visit Aldi and Morrison’s will travel into town via de Stapleigh Way and Wellington Road?
I hope pedestrianising these narrow streets enhances the shopping experience and brings more people in. In fact it’s long over due, as many a time these streets were congested with large delivery vehicles with cars trying to pass them. Hope delivery access is sorted successfully along with residents parking and access.
I hope that this has been well thought through and deals with the genuine and practical concerns raised by the people who work or live on these streets, as evidenced above. Based on past performance, I have no confidence in that whatsoever, but hope I am proved wrong. We all want public safety and environmental improvements, but at the same time people need to access their homes and businesses and shops. Unlike other Cheshire East towns, Nantwich has a high number of people resident in the town centre, which helps support the viability of our impressive array of shops, pubs etc. We also have a high ageing population who can’t walk too far and often depend on the on road parking slots which are being removed. For many, cycling to Nantwich is not an option, and we are currently being discouraged from using what little public transport exists. There has been no consultation that I am aware of, so that a sensible and balanced compromise can be arrived at, when it would have been quite easy to do so in the modern world that the rest of us outside of Cheshire East Council inhabit.
A sledge hammer to crack a nut.
I have a business in Pepper Street and need access to behind the shop, which requires us to go up pepper street . If the gate is closed we will not get our parcels delivered or we can not collect stock from the shop
Ridiculous decision. Surely you wait to see if there is a problem before making up some half-baked idea. There is plenty of room for the small Number of shoppers and cars along pillory and Hospital Street. These politicians have no idea how to run a business all they’re going to do is scare people away and make it unattractive. Shoppers will decide to vote with their feet and use Amazon again. What consultations if any has been carried out – the answer will be none. Crazy ridiculous decision
Cheshire east dummies again mack no sence at all to far to walk for everyone not everyone got a bike so guess what use the bus way to go dummies great to help with social decdence!!!!!
Good God – Before you call people ‘dummies’ please enhance your credibility by learning to speak and spell in English.
What arrangements have been made for the disabled parking .
The majority can’t walk far and need to be close to the shops.
I can absolutely understand that it would be sensible to put Covid friendly measures I to make these roads safe for pedestrians. Perhaps a one way system and closing the on street parking bays. But to close them, and therefore the car parks, to ordinary shoppers’ vehicles seems a nonsense when shops are opening after o long without income. Potential customers need car parking. If windows are closed, pedestrians are protected from vehicle occupants, and vice versa. Everyone would be safe and traders could attract desperately needed custom. Another concern which will discourage shoppers is the closure of public lavatories. Supermarkets can do it. Why can’t the council?
I can’t understand why these roads can’t be closed Monday to Saturday between 10am to 4pm only? Has no one thought of the traffic problems the people who have to travel over the bridge will incur?
As for closing car parks won’t that just send the parking problems elsewhere? Surely restricting the spaces and closing every other parking bay might be the answer especially if you want people to come into our town to boost our towns businesses?
My shop is on pillory will business owners have access ?
I live in Pall mall and I’m a key worker, how do I get in and out?!
Absolutely right decision.. making provision for residents and emergency vehicles. Worrying that the decision is based on projections of human footfall expected in the town. Especially as the sheltered housing in this area is extensive housing the age range that is most at risk… not that that mattered to the people who have consistently used this area as a shortcut to Morrison’s, gazing through shop & residents windows!!!, exercising, during lockdown or to the families that have used this area as a ‘safe’ place to teach their children to ride bikes scooters etc whilst being told to stay at home.
If you close pall mall how do residents and business access there properties please?
I have a business in the cocoa yard and have parking via pall mall?
“Essential access for servicing businesses and residential properties will be maintained throughout the closures.”
Does that mean the Delivery vans will be allowed to go down Pillory and Hospital street to deliver essential items to businesses that are opening up from the 15th then?
I presume I can still access my pub (boot and shoe), when these measures are in place. And, there will be no restrictions on how often I come and go . I will need to use the car park for deliveries etc. and staff parking.
What are the plans for the traffic displaced by these measures, deliveries and buses for instance?