Love song Pic - Players

Nantwich Players are about to open their new production Lovesong, by Abi Morgan.

It opens today (Friday February 4) and taking on the challenge of this play was pushing boundaries for any local amateur theatre company.

The modern play devised and performed by the world renowned Frantic Assembly, committed to making brave and bold theatre by incorporating movement and choreography to enhance and transition through the plays writing and words.

It is this movement that sets this play apart from any others at the Love Lane theatre, pushing both cast and director to new heights.

Gordon Hamlin, director, said: “I have wanted to direct this play for many years and finding a cast that were committed to the challenge was key.

“Just like frantic we used actors who became dancers during the rehearsal process but believe me there were a few bruises along the way.

“Unlike a professional theatre we do not have the luxury of rehearsing these intricate moves and lifts for hours every day.

“We rely on a dedicated cast, over a 6-week period, who give up their time out of their own work and family commitments to help create exceptional theatre.

“We all do it for the love of theatre and the best thing for us is to see those seats full and to captivate our audience, this is our reward.”

Lovesong, the story of one couple told from two different points in their lives – as young lovers and as worldly companions looking back on their relationship.

It is performed by cast Helen Gresty, David Bryan, Jake Taylor and Sian Weedon.

The show runs from February 4 to 11. For ticket details visit

(Images courtesy of Nantwich Players)

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