big cheshire clothes swap - image by pixabay

We all want to feel comfortable in what we’re wearing but that doesn’t have to mean sacrificing our style in favour of shapeless, elasticated clothing.

Here are some tips on altering your look and clothing habits to keep you both comfortable and fashion-forward every day.

Why Is It Important to Be Both Stylish and Comfortable?
Tight, uncomfortable clothing can affect our mood, irritate our skin and even affect our digestion, whereas comfy clothes can help reduce stress levels, improve confidence and boost mood.

Soft, breathable fabrics are also kinder to our skin, reducing the chance of irritation or rashes.

So prioritising comfort when choosing clothes is key, however, that doesn’t mean you should give up on being stylish.

Our personal fashion or sense of style is a way to express our personality and show our identity to the world.

Dressing well can help us make a statement or create a good first impression and looking good can also make us feel good.

Fortunately, it’s possible to be both stylish and comfortable.

Have a Wardrobe Clear Out
We can all be guilty of holding onto clothing far longer than we should so to alter your relationship with your clothes, start by going through your clothes and getting rid of all those items that no longer fit or you just don’t wear anymore.

If you haven’t worn something in the last twelve months then what are the chances you’ll wear it in the future?

Don’t be tempted to hold onto items that no longer serve you or make you feel guilty that you no longer fit into them.

Yes, it’s possible you will lose (or gain) weight in the future and fit into those jeans or that dress again but if that’s the case then you can always treat yourself to a new pair or a new outfit that will suit your sense of style now, not how you dressed two, three or even ten years ago!

Donate unwanted clothes to charity or take them to a local recycling facility so you can feel good about helping others and the environment too.

See Clothing as an Investment
Cheap clothing is far more likely to wear out or become damaged or ill-fitting long before quality pieces will.

Low-cost clothing is also often made from less comfortable fabrics that aren’t breathable, meaning you’re more likely to encounter waistbands that roll or dig in, scratchy labels, or sweat patches from polyester blouses or tops.

To combine both comfort and style, you need to know which items are well worth investing in.

You should invest in quality lingerie like black bralettes that are both comfortable and stylish and key items that you’ll wear every day like a good-quality coat and well-fitting footwear.

Know Your Size
Although it can seem a bit daunting, with most retailers differing from each other, knowing your sizes in measurements can help make sure you buy clothes that fit your body rather than trying to fit your body to the clothes.

Grab a tape measure and jot down the size of your bust, waist, and hips in inches.

If you’re shopping for new trousers, you’ll also want to know your inside leg measurement (and remember to add the relevant inches if you’re planning to wear your new trousers with high heels.)

This knowledge can help take some of the guesswork out of finding your size in high street stores or when shopping online and will also save you precious time in the changing room or returning items that don’t fit.

Clothes that fit you properly will not only feel better but they’ll look better too, helping you stay both stylish and comfortable no matter what you’re wearing.

(free to use image by pixabay)

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