Homes and businesses in Crewe and Nantwich could be powered by a deep geothermal plant in the future, a report says today.
It identifies Cheshire East as one of around 45 prime locations for such a plant in the UK.
It would involve a network of underground hot water plants that could heat homes and buildings through natural heat energy found deep underground.
A scientific analysis by Durham University has identified Cheshire East as one the 45 local authority areas across the country that could host a plant.
Deep Geothermal energy is a carbon neutral resource that uses heat from naturally occurring underground water sources to generate a large amount of usable energy.
Used historically via naturally occurring hot springs like the famous Roman Baths, modern technology can allow it to be accessed artificially through drilling into aquifers to access warm water below.
Cheshire East sits above the Cheshire Basin.
The Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) commissioned a report in 2013 which reviewed the data for Hot Sedimentary Aquifers with specific reference to the Cheshire Basin.
Deep Geothermal energy is already used internationally, generating two-thirds of the energy in Iceland.
Dr Kieran Mullan, Crewe & Nantwich MP, was involved in conducting a review of the potential of deep geothermal energy for the UK.
He said today: “Deep geothermal energy is heating more than 250,000 homes in Paris and many more across Europe.
“It is a clean, green, reliable resource that we have fallen behind in making use of.
“I got to see for myself how quietly and efficiently this hot water can be utilised.
“No one would know the little building I visited next to a park and a school was heating the local swimming pool, businesses, town hall and hundreds of homes.”

The report highlights research that building a network of plants could contribute 35,000 jobs to the economy by 2050, and contribute to the Government’s “Levelling Up” agenda.
Dr Mullan added: “In a stark finding, of the top 10 local authorities found to be most in need of levelling up, six are included in the list of high potential locations for a deep geothermal plant.
“44% of the list of high potential locations for deep geothermal fall within the top 100 levelling up locations. That is three times the amount you would expect as a result of chance.
“This highlights that investment in deep geothermal is investment that is likely to contribute to the levelling up agenda which remains a key government priority.
“It was the local potential that encouraged me to promote this technology because I think it could bring jobs and investment to Cheshire and I am working locally to get a project off the ground. But this report shows just how positive deep geothermal could be for the whole country.”
This energy source has support from academic and environmental groups, such as Greenpeace and the United Nations.
A sector survey found some form of tariff guarantee decided by auction or at a set price was needed to kick start investment until the industry grows to be cost effective.
“A tariff based approach would let industry invest and put its money on the line,” added Dr Mullan.
“But I am confident, that as with solar and wind, the industry would quickly be able to stand on its own two feet.”
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: “We have made rapid progress on switching to homegrown renewable electricity and have made energy security a key priority.
“Success is going to depend on pulling all the levers at our disposal.
“I want to thank Kieran for producing this excellent report which will help us consider whether there is a bigger role for deep geothermal.
“The findings on how developing this technology overlaps with opportunities to level up really add to our understanding of the possible benefits and I know Grant will look at this closely.”
Energy Security Secretary Grant Shapps MP added: “Every renewable has its strengths and weaknesses, and this report highlights how deep geothermal is working well in Europe and how it can potentially contribute in the UK.
“I welcome this report because I want to be sure we aren’t missing any opportunities here in the UK.”
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