Work officially started today on the new 3G pitch at Nantwich Town’s Swansway Stadium.
Ground was broken on the first team pitch to start the first stage of the club’s project to convert the main stadium pitch to a state of the art 3G facility.
It will be followed next season with stage two, which will see the existing Applewood Arena 3G surface, replaced and modernised.
Dabbers Chairman Jon Gold said it was a “landmark day” and the culmination of a lot of hard work and initial fundraising.
He added: “My sincere thanks goes to our vice chairman John Dunning, whose many hours of work in dealing with all of the legislation and planning, together with his unswerving belief and desire to deliver the project to this stage, will enable us to create many more playing and activity opportunities for our existing players and teams and the community of which we are proud to be a part of.
“However, there is much more for everyone to do, in terms of fundraising and investing in the project, to ensure that we fully realise our ambitions.
“Whilst we are overwhelmed by the generosity and support that we have received so far, we still need everybody to play a further part to ensure we meet our targets and deliver both projects successfully and as quickly as possible.
“To achieve this we need everyone from the supporters, players and community to focus on creative and innovative ways of helping the club.
“The prospectus is available to download and view via the website and there are some great investment and share purchase opportunities.
“However and just as importantly, we need all of our parents, coaches, teams, players and supporters to come together with long term fundraising initiatives, no matter how large or small to help realise the club’s exciting long term ambitions and we look forward to hearing about these over the coming weeks and months.”
(Pic: Jon Gold and John Dunning with FDO Lyndon Wain, Trust board member Bob Melling and EB Sports Director and Project Manager Mark Bucknall)
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