Woman in Black - Crewe Lyceum Theatre - frontage - by Jonathan White

Compered by Ste Johnston, Take a Bow, A Lyceum Legacy showcased the talent from the Lyceum Theatre Creative groups on Sunday afternoon, writes Claire Faulkner.

The performers were made up from the Lyceum Youth Theatre, ages 5 – 18, Lyceum Lites, an inclusive theatre project for adults with neurodiversity and learning disabilities and the Lyceum Theatre Choir.

The audience were treated to a variety of sketches, acting, singing and movement.

It was refreshing to see original pieces of writing being performed, which the groups had worked on themselves, and I particularly enjoyed the monologues presented by the Youth Theatre.

The choir sounded absolutely beautiful as they sang a medley of songs from musicals.

I also enjoyed the performance from Lyceum Lites, a piece about the history of the Grand Junction Railway and the transformation of Crewe.

It was an inspirational performance, proving that theatre is, and can be enjoyed by everyone.

Along with audience ambassador Nadine, Ste Johnston was the perfect compare, engaging the audience and making us laugh throughout the show.

A lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon and to celebrate the creative groups who meet at The Lyceum. Congratulations to everyone involved.

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