centenary - 100 birthday - Richmond Village residents

Three residents in a Nantwich care home have celebrated their 100th birthdays.

Rachel Sherwin, Grizel Badman and Dennis Eyres are all residents at Richmond Village Nantwich.

And fellow residents, staff, family and friends gathered for a triple celebration to mark their centenaries.

Grizel Badman, who turned 100 on June 15, was honoured for her service as a nurse during the war.

Her dedication and care for others have left an indelible mark on those who know her.

Grizel’s life and contributions were celebrated by friends, family, and the community, recognising her invaluable service and the compassion she has shown throughout her life.

Dennis, who celebrated his 100th birthday on June 29, was a passionate rower and a former member of the Northwich Rowing Club.

His love for rowing and his dedication to the sport have inspired many.

His milestone birthday was marked by reflections on his athletic achievements and the many lives he has touched through his involvement in the rowing community.

Rachel, who celebrated her 100th earlier in the year, was a beloved member of the community and a valued member of the St Mary’s Church bell ringing team.

During World War II, she served as a land girl, contributing to the war effort with her hard work and dedication.

In a touching tribute, the bell ringers of St Mary’s in Nantwich rang the church bells on her birthday, a gesture of gratitude and celebration for her century of life.

Nicola Jackson, senior village advisor at Richmond Village Nantwich, said: “These centenarians have lived extraordinary lives, each contributing to the fabric of our society in meaningful ways.

“We are honoured to celebrate their milestones and acknowledge their incredible stories and contributions.”


  1. Gosh are you sure, they all look very young for 100 yrs, amazing lives they must have lead, sending you each a big hug on your very special day, congratulations

  2. Wow what a wonderful achievement, well done all three of you and best wishes for the future

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