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Driving can be a stressful experience.

Traffic jams, road rage incidents, running late, and getting lost can quickly ruin your mood and induce anxiety.

Having the right tools on hand can help you stay calm, focused, and empowered behind the wheel.

This is the idea behind creating a ‘first aid kit for the soul’ in your car.

Equipping your vehicle with simple psychological tools and techniques allows you to proactively manage stress and emotions while driving.

Reflection Aids
Having items in your car that encourage self-reflection can be very beneficial for your mindset.

Here are some easy reflection tools to keep within reach:

Notebook and Pen
Keep a small notebook and pen in your glove box or middle console. When you are stopped, take a moment to jot down rushing thoughts, insights, or reflections. The act of writing helps process emotions and gain perspective. You may glimpse solutions or be reminded of what truly matters.

Prompt Cards
Place a few prompt cards in your visor or dash. These can have short prompts like “What am I grateful for right now?” or “How can I reframe this situation?” Drawing a card and pondering the question helps pause unhelpful thinking patterns.

Mount a small mirror to glance at yourself while parked. Making eye contact with yourself in the mirror and taking a few deep breaths shifts you into the present moment and a sense of calm.

Positivity Aids
Positivity tools boost your mood and outlook while driving.

Having quick ways to cultivate optimism helps maintain composure on the road:

Uplifting Music
Keep a playlist of your favourite upbeat, empowering songs to play. Music you find inspiring or joyful improves spirits and motivation.

Affirmation Cards
Write encouraging statements on notecards and place in the seat pocket in front of you. Phrases like “I am patient”, “This too shall pass” or “Stay calm” serve as helpful mantras when glimpsed during challenging moments.

Gratitude List
Have an ongoing list of things you’re grateful for kept in the glovebox. Add to it regularly. Reflecting on blessings, big and small, promotes appreciation.

Positive Podcasts
Load uplifting podcast episodes onto your phone to listen to during drives. Interviews, lectures or shows that edify and enlighten provide mental nourishment.

Mindfulness Tools
Practising mindfulness while in the driver’s seat also cultivates calm and focus.

Integrate these techniques:

Breathing Exercises
Place a small sticker that says “Just Breathe” on your steering wheel. This reminds you to take a few deep breaths when feeling stressed. Slow mindful breathing instantly relaxes.

Present Moment Reminders
Put something in your line of sight, like a gem or flower on the dash, to cue yourself to get present. Notice details like sounds, temperature, and scenery that you’re usually too preoccupied to appreciate.

Belt out your favourite tunes in the car! Singing helps release tension and anxiety. Bonus points if you do it with gusto and a smile.

Gratitude Check-Ins
When at a red light or otherwise stopped briefly, take the opportunity to mentally scan your body and surroundings and name three things you’re grateful for at the moment. This quick reset increases perspective.

Prep to Lower Stress
Experiencing an unexpected crisis while driving, like a health emergency or car breakdown, can be incredibly stressful.

Having a dedicated emergency and first aid kit for the driver in your car allows you to handle such situations calmly and efficiently.

Car Emergency Kit
A prepacked emergency kit contains vital items like a first aid kit, a torch, blankets, flares, a jump starter, and bottled water. Kits can be purchased or assembled yourself and stowed in the boot.

Emergency Numbers
Programme emergency contacts like roadside assistance, your mechanic, and family members into your phone. Have these on quick dial so help is just a call away.

First Aid Training
Take a class in first aid basics, such as CPR, bleeding control, and shock response, through the Red Cross or St John Ambulance.

Knowing how to respond in a crisis gives confidence and skills.

Driving has unavoidable stresses. But we can control our response.

Filling your car with simple tools to encourage self-reflection, positive thinking, and mindfulness allows you to ride out any storm.

With the right psychological first aid kit, you’ll stay empowered and focused while on the road.

(Image from Unsplash, licence free)

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