The new £11 million multi-storey car park in Crewe is raising just £75 a day in parking charges, writes Belinda Ryan.
And that’s before the running costs are taken into account.
The Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS) can reveal just 3,235 vehicles used the town centre car park in its first two months of opening.
The total amount raised in parking revenue in that time was around £3,600.
This equates to £450 a week and, with the car park being open Monday to Saturday, or £75 a day.
Cheshire East Council told the LDRS it does not have figures yet as to how much it is costing the council to run the car park, which opened at the end of July.
And when asked why the council persisted in charging more for daytime parking at the multi-storey than at other council-owned car parks in Crewe such as nearby Thomas Street, they said the tariffs were “consistent with charges for a town centre multi-storey car park”.
Cllr Laura Crane, vice chair of the highways and transport committee, admitted the council was “not expecting to see an increased use of the multi-storey car park in the immediate future”.
The Labour councillor said: “We are continuously reviewing the usage of this car park but specifically, in respect of the question about the cost to the council of running the car park, factors such as business rates, assets and energy consumption all need to be considered and this cannot be provided at this point.
“Tariffs at the new car park have been set to be responsive to different levels of demand, as tariffs are reduced for people arriving later in the day.
“In respect of the cost of parking there, this is consistent with charges for a town centre multi-storey car park.
“In its opening two months of use, the car park has had 3,235 vehicles through the barrier and has taken a little more than £3,600 in revenue.”
Cllr Crane said the multi-storey was built as part of the wider plan for regeneration in Crewe.
“Significant regeneration is happening in Crewe and will continue to do so.
“One of the main reasons for developing a new multi-storey car park is that it allows other car parks to be redeveloped for uses that have more regeneration benefits, such as the Lifestyle Centre and Ly2 event space, which both used to provide car parking spaces,” she said.
“As well as those examples, the first phase of the new history centre project is nearing completion on the site of the former Undercroft Car Park and library, and is expected to be completed in 2025, as will the Dome YouthZone, located on the former Oak Street Car Park.
“There are also plans for other current car parks in the town centre – both council and non-council, so the multi-storey is an investment in Crewe’s future, ensuring there are sufficient spaces at the heart of the town.
“It would have been irresponsible to wait until demand exceeded the available space to complete the car park and as further car parks across the town centre are closed for redevelopment projects, we expect there to be an increased demand for this facility.”
The car park is completely pointless as there is no town centre left, in defence of the council though this is due to the HS2 which they gambled on being complete. This would of changed Crewe massively and would of provided lots of revenue for the new town centre that now can’t be built due to the funding given to Crewe for development by the government being withdrawn.
On the other side of the coin, the future wasn’t thought about when this car park was signed off. It’s on the side of major bus station for 1 and with delivery services and online services making things easier for people to shop online then people wouldn’t need to take a car to town as much making buses, bicycle and even walking into town much more attractive than paying for parking that none of the other towns in the whole of Cheshire have to pay for.
Why should the people of Crewe be mugs?
Crewe was never great, but in the 80s, at least it was a decent enough, thriving town. Now, it’s had its heart ripped out and going there (only when absolutely necessary) is a dismal affair.
It wouldn’t be so bad if the retail park was a success, but (assuming you can get in and out, and that’s by no means a given) it’s sad to see a lacklustre collection of shops and the ghosts of failed restaurants.
Different decisions by politicians could have made it so different, but they’re never held to account are they?
Carbuncle – closed on Sunday’s and only taking in £75.00 a day.
This car park is going to look like a pretty astute investment once it breaks-even in 402 years.
It’s little wonder CEC won’t expose the running costs of their Multi-Storey £11M White Elephant every Man and his Dog, except the ‘Councillors’ themselves, knew to be a Sickening WASTE of Taxpayers money of Epic Proportions?…
Instead of brazenly trying to justify their gross incompetence those in Public Office responsible for the construction of the Monument to their Stupidity should do the honourable thing and give up their fat salaries resigning immediately!
Don’t hold your breath, Folks?……
Haven’t got a clue
What did they expect? Theres nothing in Crewe,what a waste of money!
What a complete waste of money, can I suggest making some streets near the town centre
residents parking only and then the people parking down these streets would use the car parks aswell as receiving money from resident parking
It will not be long before Cheshire east close all the other car parks, this forcing you to use the multi storey car park.
May I ask what is the vacant land adjacent to the car park is going to be used for.
Are Cheshire east going to ask the PEOPLE OF CREWE to sit down and debate what we would like to do with the land.
If they did they would totally ignore anything that was put forward as usual.🧐
Surprised it’s taken that much,I like how the council said that the parking charges are in line with other town centre parking fees, slight problem there is no town centre and no demand for these parking spaces.
The development should have been stopped, or at least changed to reflect the fact that no shops or entertainment facilities are investing in the area at this time,sorry council too slow to react and we the tax payers pick the bill up.
The fact they can inform the public what the daily running costs are, is yet further evidence of incompetence. At the very early stages when the car park was being considered, revenue costs and maintenance costs should have formed part of the detailed business plan. Including salaries, pensions and all revenue expenditure. It is truly unbelievable.
I am sure no has faced disciplinary hearing in respect of capability.
It is beyond belief!!!!!
Cheshire East Council bluntly are incompetent. Wasted another 11 million of tax payers hard earned money.
What can you say?
Will the true income/expenditure figure’s be made public asap. It always seems CEC only give half a story. They should be more open with the public.