Residents can now access the live A&E waiting times at Leighton Hospital online.
The times are now being featured on the Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Trust website.
It shows how many patients are currently waiting in A&E and Urgent Care Units and the average waiting time that people may expect.
Nicola Costin-Davis, Chief Operating Officer, said: “By adding this information to our website, we are giving people in our communities the ability to view current waiting times in our A&E department.
“It’s so that they know what to expect during their visit as well as encouraging everyone to consider whether they could receive appropriate care at an urgent treatment centre, through their GP, or at a pharmacy.”
Patients will be seen in order of acuity.
If anyone needs medical help fast, thinks they need to go to an accident and emergency department or aren’t sure which service is right, call NHS 111.
NHS 111 is a free service available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Accident and emergency departments and 999 are for life-threatening emergencies and serious injuries.
Go to www.mcht.nhs.uk/edwaittimes to see the waiting times.
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