Cllr Reg Kain, Alsager, Lib Dem (1)

The former leader of the Liberal Democrat group on Cheshire East Council has quit the party and become the first Reform UK member on the council, writes Belinda Ryan.

Cllr Reg Kain (pictured), elected to Cheshire East Council in May 2023, said he had joined Reform UK “because I believe it is the only mainstream party at this time that is genuinely listening to the concerns and needs of the British people”.

He said the party is a growing political force, offering a real alternative to those who feel let down by the traditional parties.

“While some may see Reform as a party with a narrow focus, I believe it has the potential to become a broad church, welcoming people from all backgrounds who want a stronger, fairer, and more accountable government,” said the Alsager councillor.

“I intend to be a moderate and constructive voice within Reform, helping to shape a party that truly represents the interests of ordinary people.”

He added: “I want to make it absolutely clear that this decision is not about political convenience but about principle.

“My role as a councillor is to represent all my constituents, regardless of political affiliation, and to ensure their voices are heard.

“This is what I have always strived to do, and it is what I will continue to do as a member of Reform UK.

“The people of Alsager and Cheshire East elected me to serve them, not a political party, and I will continue to put their interests first.”

Cllr Kain’s decision means long-serving councillor Rod Fletcher, who also represents Alsager, is now the only Liberal Democrat on the council.

At one time the Liberal Democrats were a dominant force on the former Congleton Borough Council, which was abolished in 2009 when Cheshire East was formed.

Cllr Fletcher was leader of Congleton Borough Council from 2001 to 2002.

He told the Local Democracy Reporting Service this week: “I am non-grouped because there isn’t a Liberal Democrat group on the council but I am a Liberal Democrat councillor.

“I joined the Liberal party in 1962 and I’m not going anywhere.

“To me this country desperately needs Liberal Democrat values at this time.”

One Comment

  1. The electorate voted for a party and it’s manifesto, not a candidate. If a candidates alliegance changes, there should be an immediate election to see what the will of the people is and that person removed or returned to office with a proper mandate. What this clown has done is an affront to democracy.

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