dementia friendly events in nantwich

The number of people with dementia is slowly but gradually increasing.

Recent statistics show that nearly one million people live with dementia in the UK, projected to hit 1.6 million by 2040.

Relatives and caregivers are increasingly concerned about making life easier for dementia residents.

Every strategy and action taken by caregivers focus on making it easier for residents to perform their daily activities with the least impact from their dementia.

There are different ways to achieve that goal.

Still, the most important aspect of dementia care is to design care homes for residents to improve function.

This article describes the elements of designing care homes for dementia residents.

Several important home interior design elements play an important role in the overall design.

Not only this, it’s vital you offer a wide variety of services in your care home that is provided by professionally trained staff.

Companies will use software such as aged care management software to provide a variety of professional services whilst planning rosters and matching clients and carers for a more personalised service.

If you’re uncertain about what these services may include, you can look at a variety of care eastern suburbs (or in your location) companies online, to get an insight into what they provide.

Every design has a purpose. Without purpose, it is impossible to arrange rooms for dementia patients properly.

Certain factors influence how designs are made.

Factors That Determine Design Of Dementia Care Home

Here are the key factors you should consider when designing a home for dementia residents.

Mobility: Dementia residents need to move around for different reasons as they perform their daily activities. All designs must be focused on facilitating movement within and outside their rooms. Designs for dementia care homes must not impede movement but allow residents to move easily.
Comfort: Comfort is not just a physical need for dementia residents; it is also needed to encourage memory and improve their performance. Discomfort can worsen the effects of dementia and make it difficult for residents to perform daily activities. Every design must prioritise the comfort of residents.
Safety: Safety is another key consideration when designing care homes. Older citizens and seniors are more prone to injuries, and that risk increases with conditions such as dementia. Every design you create must promote and improve the safety of residents. Furniture, beddings, and other items should be designed for safety.
Memory Therapy: Cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) may help dementia patients differently. Care homes for dementia residents should be designed to make CST easier. The colour, types, and position of items should promote memory therapy and help residents cope with daily activities.

Tips On Designing Care Home For Dementia Residents

It shouldn’t be difficult to translate your ideas into reality. These tips will guide you in getting things right as you design a home for dementia residents, and you can also look at existing communities such as this memory care Connecticut home if you need some ideas on what works and what doesn’t.

Use Cushioned Furniture
Cushioned furniture improves safety and comfort for most all groups.

Ensure that all contact furniture such as beds, chairs, and footstools are cushioned. Cushions absorb and lessen the impact, so dementia residents don’t get injured if they hit furniture.

You can check for cushioned furniture that meets care home furniture suppliers’ recommendations.

Arrange Furniture Properly
It is vital to arrange furniture properly to minimise unnecessary contact.

Suppose residents are constantly hitting furniture, increasing the risk of irritation and injury; proper furniture arrangement improves function and helps them to locate items easily.

Keep large furniture in places visible from every angle and arrange smaller furniture in a way that removes the risk of injuries.

Create Small Spaces
Dementia residents and most older citizens in care homes like to feel close to someone.

The sense of belonging to a close community and making friends is great. Create small spaces where residents can interact without getting into each other’s faces.

Of course, not every resident will like that; it is okay to have smaller or bigger private spaces for those who like to be alone.

Use Durable Flooring And Wall Coverings
Most likely, your residents use some form of walking aid such as walking sticks and walkers.

This equipment, though light, may dent surfaces and floors as they are used. It is wise to use durable flooring and wall coverings that can withstand wear and mechanical impact.

It isn’t just for aesthetics but also for safety. Walking aids poking holes in floors would create risks of injuries.

Declutter Spaces
Unused and disused items littered around living spaces may cause injuries to your residents.

Clutters form naturally as spaces are used; dementia residents may abandon items in the wrong places.

It is necessary to declutter rooms and spaces regularly to improve appearance, functions, and safety.

Design the home in a way that minimises clutter and makes decluttering easy.

Create Soundproof Rooms
Dementia residents may be sensitive to noise and disturbance.

Although care homes are typically quiet, you should consider installing soundproof rooms for residents that are sensitive to noise.

Loud noise can disorient dementia residents, leaving them worse for memory. If safety behind soundproof doors is a concern, you can explore other methods to ensure safety.

Use Pictures, Signs, And Visible Targets
Dementia residents may get lost within the house, so it is vital to use clear signage.

Use photos, signs, and notes to help them track their movement. Ensure that the signs are clear and legible to everyone.

Modern care homes sometimes use audio assistance, but you should confirm that it won’t startle your residents.

It would help if you also considered using visible targets for toilets. Dementia residents may find it tough to take proper aim when urinating.

Placing visible targets in the toilet bowl will help dementia residents use the toilet well.

Label Items Properly
Never assume that your residents will recognise items at a glance. Dementia takes its toll, and your residents may be unable to recognise or differentiate items.

Mark and label all home items to help your residents identify them. Check labels regularly and replace those that are worn.

Use Natural Light Often
Lighting is important, especially for residents with failing vision.

Aim for a mix of natural and artificial lights but ensure that your residents get enough natural light often.

Natural light promotes vitamin D production in the body and helps them connect more with nature. You can install large windows that allow more natural light.

Use Natural Designs
It would help if you considered using natural designs where possible. Natural designs will help residents feel more connected to nature, relaxed, and at peace with themselves.

Find decorators who specialise in creating natural designs and themes. Remember to strike a balance between natural and artificial designs.

Avoid Reflections Around The Home
Besides mirrors, you should limit the number of items that can reflect images.

Reflections can disorient your residents and leave them confused. Remember that dementia affects cognition. Keep surfaces dull and limit shiny objects that can reflect.

Place mirrors in dressing areas to minimise how many times they see themselves.

Use Contrasting Colours
Contrasting colours are helpful in jogging memories. Use contrasting colours to differentiate routes and items so your residents can easily find their way around the home.

The colours must not be too bright but contracting enough to jog the memory and evoke recognition at a glance.

Demarcate Potential Hazards
Sharp corners and steps present walking hazards that you residents may ignore.

Placing barriers to demarcate hazards will improve safety measures and help residents recognise places they should be careful.

Keep Caregivers In Mind As You Design
Care home designs should account for the caregivers. Although caregivers adapt to most situations, certain designs can impede or promote their work.

Considering caregivers while designing the home will help make the job easier.

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