Wistaston Rose Queen Lucia Kemp gives her inaugural speech (1)

Hundreds of people enjoyed the Wistaston Village Fete at Wistaston Church Lane Academy, writes Jonathan White.

It started with a special parade from the school car park to the arena to celebrate the school’s 150th anniversary.

The parade was led by Scottish piper Reg Flower, followed by Wistaston Scout group’s Beavers, Cubs and Scouts carrying the Union Flag, and St Mary’s Rainbows, Brownies and Guides, The Liberty Dance Troupe and fancy-dress competition entrants.

The procession also included the retiring Wistaston Rose Queen (Sophie Davies) and her retiring Attendant (Poppy Kemp) in a Rover 5-seater tourer veteran car.

This year’s new Wistaston Rose Queen (Lucia Kemp) and Attendant (Cerys McKeown) followed in a MG Magnette classic car.

St Mary’s Wistaston Rector Rev Mike Turnbull was the Fete’s Master of Ceremonies.

Retiring Wistaston Rose Queen Sophie thanked her Attendant Poppy and Wistonians for their support.

Judging of the Victorian-themed fancy dress competition (1)
Judging of the Victorian-themed fancy dress competition

She had raised £600 for the local charity Motherwell during her year of service.

New Wistaston Rose Queen Lucia said: “I feel very honoured to be chosen as the next Rose Queen and I am grateful that Cerys is my attendant.

“Together we will make a great team and I’m sure that we will lots of fun along the way.

“My chosen charity this year is Cancer Research UK. This charity has helped double cancer survival in the UK since the 1970s.

The Liberty Dance Troupe in the parade (1)
The Liberty Dance Troupe in the parade

“They are dedicated to saving lives through research, influence and information.

“Recently, my grandad received cancer treatment at Liverpool Hospital and thankfully has made an excellent recovery.

“But I know that cancer is not always easy to treat as we lost a close friend to cancer last year.

“Cerys and I are looking forward to organising fundraising events over the next year and our first opportunity is today here at the Fete.”

Parade leaves school led by Scottish piper Reg Flower (1)
Parade leaves school led by Scottish piper Reg Flower

This year’s Wistonian of the Year Dane Chaplow then officially opened the Fete.

Dane said: “It is a great honour to be bestowed with this award.

“Thank you to new headteacher at Wistaston Church Lane Academy, Mrs Elsley, for the use of your playing field and your support.”

The fete’s theme was the Victorian era, as the school celebrates its 150th anniversary this year.

Several Wistaston Church Lane Academy pupils took part in the Victorian-themed fancy dress competition judged by Dane and Cllr Marilyn Houston, Mayor of Cheshire East Council.

Entries included chimney sweeps, a suffragette, a Lord and numerous maids.

The competition was won by Harvey dressed as a chimney sweep, second place was Lucy as a suffragette, and third place was Ethan as Charles Darwin. All contestants received sweets.

Wistaston Conservation Group stall (1) (1)
Wistaston Conservation Group stall

The arena hosted performances by Liberty Dance Troupe and The Funky Choir, and a presentation from Dope Male Performance Dance Company.

Wings and Things gave a talk involving the flights of Lunar the Barn owl and Eric the Eurasian eagle-owl.

Their stall featured a Little owl, European buzzard, Harris hawk, tortoise, cockroaches, snails and snakes.

There were more than 25 stalls representing local organisations and charities, and an 8-metre climbing wall and a bouncy castle.

On the front playground there was a Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service appliance, along with a display of classic cars, bicycles and a tractor.

Refreshments were available from various outlets including the Wistaston Scout group.

Cockshades Farm Wybunbury (Livery & Storage) assisted with the event logistics.

A representative from Wistaston Community Council, said: “What a fantastic afternoon.

“Thank you to Lynette Talbot and the Wistaston Community News and Events volunteers.

“Despite the showers it was a fabulous event, thank you to Wistaston Church Lane Academy for the use of their school facilities.

Classic cars on display - Fete

“Thank you to all the stalls, the retiring Rose Queen and her attendant, The new Rose Queen and her attendant, Orbis Outdoor Adventures Ltd, Wings and Things, Police, Fire Brigade, St John’s Ambulance, arena acts, cars, piper, David Price and the rest of the team who helped deliver and set up tables and gazebos.

“Thank you to Mike Turnbull and Dane Chaplow for being the speakers for the afternoon and crowning of the Rose Queen.

“Finally, a massive thank you to everyone who has donated items/equipment for the event, volunteered before, during or after, parents, teachers, Cubs, Scouts, Beavers, Brownies, Rainbows, Liberty dancers, pupils in the fancy-dress parade and the community for braving the rain to support this annual event.”

Admission to the Fete was by donation and proceeds from the gate receipts and Wistaston Community Council stalls will go towards their other 2024 Wistaston village events: Flower and Produce Show (17th August), Model Boat and Duck Race (7th September), Fireworks Display (2nd November), and Christmas Concert (6th December).

Wistaston Community Council welcomes new members to help organise next year’s Fete, as well as other Wistaston-based events.

Aerial view of Wistaston Village Fete 2024 (2) (1)
Aerial view of Wistaston Village Fete

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