Willaston will see another 146 houses built after yet another appeal against Cheshire East Council was upheld by planning inspectors.
Residents and councillors have reacted angrily to the decision to allow the appeal by Richborough Estates for homes to be built on green land off Moorfields, Willaston.
The decision is the latest in a number by inspectors who have cast doubt on Cheshire East’s claim they have produced a robust five-year housing land supply.
Willaston and Rope Cllr Brian Silvester said:”Residents are very angry.
“The inspector found there wasn’t a five-year housing supply and the Local Plan is still in its early stages of being examined and therefore does not carry a lot of weight.
“The inspector admits that it would damage the green gap but not significantly. Overall he says the site is sustainable.
“I feel incensed about this. If the council had got their act together and had an adopted Local Plan and a five-year supply of housing then this would not have happened.
“The Leader of the Council has, for over a year, told residents not to worry because a five-year housing supply was in place.
“However, sadly, virtually every Planning Inspector who has examined the evidence has concluded that there is not a 5 year supply and 14 major appeals have been lost by the council, at a cost of over £400,000 to the council taxpayer.
“Hundreds of acres of green fields, many in the green gap, are to be concreted over and lost forever.
“This planning disaster is a self-inflicted wound.
“Many of these fields could have been saved from the bulldozer if the council had an adopted Local Plan and a 5 year housing supply that stands up to examination on appeal.”
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