This horrific image shows how a defenceless cat was “peppered” with 10 air gun pellets in a brutal attack in South Cheshire.
The male, black cat was found collapsed on a grass verge by the side of Middlewich Road, close to Bentley Motors in Crewe.
A member of the public took him to the RSPCA’s Stapeley Grange Cattery in Nantwich, where he was examined by a vet.
An x-ray showed 10 air gun pellets embedded inside his body – two in his neck, one in his chest, five in his left leg, one in his stomach and one in his spine.
He was in so much pain, vets at the centre on London Road had to put him down.
Lee Stewart, manager at Stapeley, said it was an upsetting experience for members of staff.
“He was unresponsive when he was found – he was in a collapsed state, pale, cold and very wet,” said Lee.
“An x-ray showed that the cat had been peppered with air gun pellets.
“We don’t know how long he had been lying there injured for or the exact time he was shot, but someone must have seen something or knows who did this.
“Given there were 10 pellets inside him, we can’t imagine this was a quick attack.
“He was in a very bad way so the decision was made to put him to sleep to end his suffering. He wasn’t micro-chipped so we don’t know if he was an owned cat or a stray.
“If he was a much-loved family pet, his family must be out of their mind with worry.
“It is distressing to think that people take pleasure in causing such horrific injuries to defenceless animals.
“These are deliberate and brutal acts of cruelty.”
The attack happened on March 10. Anyone who has any information, or who may know who owns the cat, should contact the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999.
Every year the RSPCA receives almost 1,000 calls to investigate cases and help hundreds of victims of air gun attacks.
The RSPCA is supporting Cat’s Protection’s call for tighter controls on air weapons.
Anyone caught deliberately using an air gun to injure an animal can be sentenced up to six months in prison and an unlimited fine if found guilty under the Animal Welfare Act.
this is a shot gun injury done to this cat shot guns are licenced will you give up with this constant anti airgun stuff in the msm .
i hope when the RSPCA and the police catch up with these mindless thugs they charge them and that the courts send them to prison, it is about time that people who do this are given a custodial sentence to show others that the courts are no longer prepared to put up with this, how would these thugs like it if someone did this to them or their pets,
this is a shot gun not an air gun that has shot this cat