A new seating feature has been installed and unveiled on Mill Island in Nantwich.
Mayor of Nantwich Cllr Stuart Bostock visited Mill Island to take a look at the new seating feature.
The idea was initiated by Jeff Stubbs, chair of Nantwich Partnership and Civic Society.
The area now features a pretty, informal, semi-circle of benches and boulders backed by Cherry trees.
Nantwich Partnership worked alongside ANSA and a landscape architect to create a seating area with a natural look that blends into the landscape.
Jeff said: “This idea has been in the pipe-lines for a while now.
“During the pandemic we have seen an increase in the use of the river and canal.
“We felt that the seating needed to be designed in such a way to create social spaces, where people could relax and spend a good amount of time enjoying the atmosphere of the town centre.”
Mayor Cllr Bostock said: “Mill Island is a special place to me, I grew up playing around here and also worked at the Mill.
“I am delighted with the results of this project and feel it will be a real asset to community.
“I would like to thank all those involved in the project for their hard work.”
(Pic: Mayor of Nantwich Councillor Stuart Bostock and Consort Kath Bostock, Deputy Mayor of Nantwich and Partnership committee member Councillor Peter Groves, Chair of Nantwich Partnership Jeff Stubbs and Nantwich Partnership Vice Chair Graham Fenton)
Perhaps the smiling councillors would like to add an additional early morning litter collection to their stroll around town because this new area has already become yet another spot which attracts smoking, drinking and late night food eating and the scattered litter that goes with it. I collect it three of four mornings a week – perhaps they’d like to join me?
Oh…but of course Dabbers Don’t drop do they – must be visitors from Crewe.
The benches are too high with no backs, you cannot comfortably spend a “good amount of time” on them. Poorly thought out and poorly implemented.